Chapter 24

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...Bianca's pov

I woke up the next morning to the feeling of someone kissing my inner thighs. I was scared at first before remembering events of last and I started moaning. Damon finally reached the spot aching for his tongue. Licking, sucking and gently biting on my clit. I gripped his hair tight and locked my legs around his head, trapping him between my thighs. I didn't mind though, as long as I'll get the pleasure out of it. He ate me up until I came.

"Morning sleepyhead." "Morning." I said out of breath smiling after coming down from my orgasm. "I could get used to this." I say smiling. "Really?" "Yes I could." I gave him a quick peck as I go off bed. "Where you going?" "To freshen up and make us breakfast." "Now that's something I could get used to." I just laughed at him and went to freshen up with a smile on my face.

.... Damon's pov

I waited for her to enter the bathroom and quickly called Christophe. "Where are you man?" "I'm at Bianca's place." He kept quiet for a second and I knew I'll get an earful after this moment of silence. "ARE YOU CRAZY?" He screams, causing me to remove my phone from my ear. "No I'm not." "Don't fucking bullshit me Damon, you weren't supposed to fuck with the bitch but get her to help us with our plan. You know the boss is trusting me with this and we can't mess it up." I roll my eyes.

"I know that man, and don't worry about it, it was just meaningless sex." "You sure she thinks that way?" "Look, I'll get her on the plan okay. Now calm your tits and let me do me. Boss never said nothing about not getting some free pussy." "Fuck you man." He dropped the call and I laughed. I decided to go and join Bianca in the shower.

..... Bianca's pov

I still couldn't stop thinking about last night, how amazing it was. "What's making you smile so much?" I blushed even more when Damon caught me daydreaming about him. I continued to chop the fruits so I can make a fruit salad. "Nothing, just thinking." "About what?"

He came closer, turning me around so I can look at him and held my waist. "About last night, and this morning." He just gave me a small peck and, which I than turned into a more passionate kiss. Grabbing his neck and pulling him closer, he took control of the kiss, dominating it. Lifting me and placing me on top of the kitchen counter, he got inbetween my legs. He broke the kiss and started kissing my jaw, all the way to my neck.

I was already feeling hot and needed more. "We need to talk." That's not good, everytime when someone says that, it's never anything good. "Don't worry yourself sweetheart, it's about the job I was telling you about." "Oh okay, you had me worried for a second there." I said relieved. "So, what is this job?" He sighed and let go of me, moving away and leaning his body against the fridge.

"It's not anything legal, that's what you need to know." Okay? "What kinda job do you really do Damon?" He rubbed his neck and I became worried. "Are you a criminal? God please don't tell me you are." His silence answered all of my questions.
I got off the counter and started pacing around the kitchen. I can't believe this, how can I be so stupid?

"Bianca would you just calm down." "Don't tell me to fucking calm down Damon!" I was angry, hurt and felt stupid. "You lied to me, and I fell for it. Did you play nice all along just to get into my pants? You're evil you know that I wish I..." "SHUT UP!" I flinched at his sudden outburst and kept quiet. He took deep breath and seemed to be calm.

"First of all, I never lied to you, I just never told you what I do and you never asked. Secondly, I wasn't playing nice just to get into your pants. And thirdly, I don't see why you're so mad. I didn't force you to sleep with me, if you didn't want to, you could've easily said no and I would've stopped. I never forced you to agree to me helping you, it was your decision. Everything that's been happening, has been nothing but your own choices, so don't fucking bullshit me right now." He said angry.

He wasn't lying but I still couldn't help but be mad. "What is this job of yours than? What? Do you sell drugs? Hijack cars? Rob banks? Mhhh? What is it Damon?" "We rob very rich people who have more money than they need. We don't kill anyone, or harm anyone. We just take what we want and leave." "Like I'm supposed to believe that. So you just enter their house, steal and they don't stop you?" "Yes, that's exactly what we do." I rolled my eyes in disbelief. I honestly can't believe this, I just can't.

"We do our research, study their house and daily activities. We get all information on them. Rich business people like hosting dinner parties, so we use them to our disadvantage. We dress and act like them to blend in. Create fake identities which just simply give us access to their homes. And when they are too busy doing their speeches or gloating about their riches, that's when we take what we need. We use the back door to escape and that's it. It's pretty simple actually."

I just kept quiet cause I didn't know what to say. I mean, what could I say in this situation? "Get out." "Bian..." I SAID GET OUT DAMON! I don't wanna see or talk to ever again. GET OUT!" He came closer and I stood my ground. I didn't know what he was gonna do but I didn't want to show him I'm scared. He leaned over and kissed my forehead, "Think about it Bianca. Remember, you need the money. You said it yourself." After that he left, I just broke down and cried. I don't know why I was crying but I just did.

Anyways, I know this chapter is boring, but I promise to make it up to you.

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