Chapter 17

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Song to play: Hotel by Montell fish(sped up + 3D)

The car ride was a very long and uncomfortable one. I was seated next to the boss, or should I say Alexander. Saying his name doesn't sound right, I've gotten used to calling him boss that his name is just weird. We finally arrived in this huge ass mansion and I'm in awe.

The mansion looked beautiful with it elegant design and cream coloured walls outlined with gold. It has a huge fountain in the centre. Expensive cars and SUV's were lined up in the driveway.

Our car finally made it to a stop and we exited the car. The nerves started kicking in and I didn't wanna be here.
"You'll be okay bunny bear, just breath in okay." Mateo said trying to calm me down. I honestly am grateful he's here, I don't think I'll be able to survive this night without him.

Boss man didn't seem to like what Mateo said because he gave him a look and Mateo seems to have gotten the message because he raised his hands up in surrender and left. Alexander held my waist tight and led me inside.

The interior was just as beautiful as the outside with a big golden chandelier, decorated in diamonds hanging from the ceiling. The room was filled with expensive looking people, they also looked dangerous. Most of them were old men with I'm guessing their wives and children and some were with their mistresses or girlfriends. Some were handsome young men and beautiful elegant women. All in all, it was filled with a lot of business like people. Was he a business man? Guess I'll find out tonight, or not, I don't know.

"Alexander" an old looking man said with a cheerful smile on his face. Alexander didn't return it and I just smiled awkwardly. "How are you my boy?" "I'm fine." He replied coldly. The man seemed to notice and he looked at me and smiled. "Aren't you gonna introduce your woman to your father son?" He said emphasising the word father and son. I almost chocked on my own saliva, now I can see the resemblance between the two. He gets his blue eyes from his father and some of his features too.

He didn't look pleased to see him though, daddy issues? "Who she is, is none of your business." He said that and led me to a table away from his father, we sat down the table and Mateo was here too. Alexander looked pissed, like he didn't wanna be here. I could feel his hand shaking on my thigh, was he nervous, angry or anxious? I decided to hold his hand tight as a sense of comfort. He looked at me and his face relaxed a bit.

His father decided to join us and sat opposite me. "So, what is your name young lady?" "Umm, I'm Amanda. Amanda Browns sir." "Beautiful name." He replied, I felt Alex's grip get tighter on my thigh. What's wrong with him, am I not supposed to talk to his dad? "And, how did you and my son meet?" Before I can come up with a lie, the devil herself appeared infront of me.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't Amanda Browns, or should I say, little temptress." Yep, you know who it is, Rachel. What is she doing here? "So, from one mob boss to another huh?" I chocked on my drink and started coughing. All eyes were on me now and mine widened even more when I saw Mariano. Holy Christ, God please take me now.

"Amanda?" "Mariano?" I said looking at him. Damn it he looked good, better than the last I saw him. Rachel must be treating him good than. I was a little disappointed but I didn't wanna show it.

I could feel Alexander's burning gaze, I didn't dare look back at him. "Wow, it's been a while. You look good." Mariano said, is he tryna get me killed? Rachel rolled her eyes and left. "Umm thank you, you too. Rachel must me treating you good huh?" He scratched his head and I know he knew I wasn't pleased. "Excuse me." I said that and left the table, I was looking for a bathroom.

I didn't need to pee or anything, I just needed to be far away from Mariano as possible. I found one and locked myself in. I started hyperventilating as I paced around the room. I don't know if I was angry, hurt or just confused, but I know I felt something. I tried to calm myself down by doing breathing exercises. An idea popped up in my head, maybe he can help me see my family.

Wait hold up, mob boss? Mariano and Alexander are mob bosses? Meaning like, they're Mafia leaders or some shit like that. Oh God what have I gotten myself into? I heard someone banging the door but I didn't dare to open. I needed to think, so all this time huh. All this time I've been living in a Mafia's house, been crushing on him and got finger fucked by him?

What has Bianca gotten me into? How did she even steal from him, or even get the guts to steal from him? "Amanda you better open this fucking door or I'll shoot it down now." Alex said on the other side of the door. I didn't wanna cause a scene in someone's house so I opened the door and stayed as far away from him as I can.

He entered the bathroom and locked it. Oh God I am so dead. If looks could kill, I would be dead by now. The look on his face right now clearly showed that he was angry, really angry. And that anger was directed towards me.

He slammed me against the wall with a strong grip around my throat. "Who. Is. He. To. You?" He said each word slowly and I got even more scared. I started crying and that got him more mad. "Fucking answer me Amanda or so help me God I will not be responsible for what I will do to you." "He's no one. I swear." I said already a crying mess. "Do I look like an idiot to you?" I shake my head no. "Words!" "No, he was my boss. When I worked at Guilty pleasure, he was my boss." I said as fast as I can. "What else?" "There's nothing else." I said lying, I wasn't going to tell him we used to sleep together.

He lets go of me and punched the mirror in the bathroom causing it to break. I screamed closing my eyes and covering my ears. "I fucking hate being lied to Amanda. Now I'm going to ask you one more time, what is he to you?" I open my eyes. "I swear to you he's nothing. He was my boss and..." "And what?" Should I tell him? "We used to sleep together that's all, I swear. Our relationship ended when I stopped working at the club I promise." I now had hiccups from all the crying.

He looked at me and came closer. I remained frozen in my spot cause I didn't want to piss him off even more. He took out his handkerchief and wiped my tears. I tried calming down and getting my breathing in order.

I finally came down and he placed his hands on my waist and pressed his body against mine. I could feel his breathing was still uneven, probably from the shouting and the anger he was feeling.

He started kissing my neck and I tensed in shock but my body reacted quickly because the shock was replaced with pleasure. He gently bit on my neck and continued to suck on my weak spot. "Alex." I moaned his name and he groaned.

He took advantage of the slit in my dress and led his hand to my already wet heat. He shifted the lace thong to the side and started rubbing my clit. I screamed when he plunged two of his fingers inside me. He didn't stop with the assault on my neck as he continued to fuck me with his fingers as he rubbed my clit with his thumb.

I felt myself getting closer and I grabbed on to him tight. "Alex please don't stop." He quickened his pace and I lost it. I started shaking as my orgasm was near. "Come for me." He whispered in my ear and I did as told. I moaned his name throwing my head back as I came.

He removed his fingers and licked them clean. I watched as he did and I craved to taste myself. I looked at his lips biting my lip, they were so appetizing and kissable. It's like he knew what I wanted cause he smashed his lips against mine. I gasped but quickly kissed him back as I wrapped my hands around his neck pulling him closer.

He deepened the kiss and I moaned at how amazing it was. Fucking hell he's a good kisser. He took my left leg hooking it up around his waist as he pressed his body against mine even more. I moaned even more enjoying the kiss, hoping it doesn't end. He finally pulled out and we both tried to catch our breaths. "You're mine." He said that and left me in the bathroom. What in the world just happened?

Again, virgin Mary this side you guys. Hope you liked this chapter, and don't forget to vote, comment and share. XOXO :-)

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