Chapter 15

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"I'm not lying." I said lying. "I'm pretty sure the pool between your legs says otherwise." Cocky bustard, but he was right, I was already socked and he knew it. He slowly led his hand to my underwear. I jumped in shock when he grabbed my pussy like he owned it.

His other hand grabbed my throat as he started rubbing my clit through my underwear. I threw my head as I started grinding on his fingers.
He didn't stop the assault on my neck but I needed more. "Please." I begged like a desperate slut. He listened because he moved my underwear to the side and started rubbing my opening. "Fuck!" He groaned in my neck as he felt my wetness, causing vibrations in my neck and more pleasure.

"You're so wet." I just moaned as a reply. He plunged both his fingers inside me and I groaned in pleasure. "Oh God!" I moaned out loud. "You like that don't you doll?" I nodded as he started fucking me with his fingers. The way he curled them inside me made me lose my mind. I couldn't stop screaming. I rode his fingers as I felt my release getting closer.

"Fuck, I'm close." I said already losing my breath. I started shaking as I was close to my release and he stopped. This asshole just stopped, he removed his fingers and stepped away from me. I groaned in frustration. Orgasm denial? Really? I fucking hate that. He licked his fingers and closed his eyes as he did so, savouring the taste of my juices. "Please don't do this."

I was so close to my release and he decided to stop. He chuckled and came closer to me. Grabbing my chin so I can look at him, "Orgasms are earned doll." "But.." "No buts, just be a good girl for me and maybe next time you'll get to cum."
"That's not fair." I said pouting, he tilted his head with his eyebrow raised in confusion. "I've been nothing but a good girl this whole time. I do believe I deserve a reward." "Is that so?" I nodded my head. "Use your words doll, there will come a time where you won't need them. " "Yes, yes I have." "That's what you think." After that he left the room, leaving me horny and confused.

What does he mean I haven't been good? I have been doing everything they tell me to do, so what did I do exactly? He is such a confusing man, I just wanna get inside that thick head of his to know what's really going on.


I entered my office with yet again, another painful bulge. This time it was worse because I got to taste her, feel the warmth of her pussy and have her begging for her release. When she said she's been a good girl for me, I almost lost my control. I need to get this girl out of my system.

I got a call from my one of my men. "What?" "Boss, we have a problem." "DaVinci, I don't like the word problem." "I know boss but the Colombianas are at it again." I dropped and call and threw my phone against the wall. "Fuck!" I'm getting tired of these people.

I made my way to our meeting to find all my men already here, including Mateo. "Talk to me, what did they do this time?" "They sent one of their spies to the club yesterday, and he caused a scene." DaVinci said, I looked at him so he can continue. "Turns out, he has been coming to the club for the past month and has been harrassing the dancers to get as much information on you as he can." "And why am I only hearing about this now?" I was fuming, how can they not notice this?

The person in charge of keeping things together at the club is Mateo, I looked at him and he looked away. He knew he was fucked.
"Sorry boss, we didn't suspect anything. We just thought he was a regular customer just like most people at the club." Mateo said. "I don't fucking care about your excuses, all I wanna know is, how were my girls harrassed and not one of you noticed? And what exactly was he looking for?"

They all kept quiet and I was loosing my patience. I took out my gun and shot DaVinci and Mateo on their shoulders. "Fuck!" They both groaned in pain, but I was getting more irritated. "The.. they heard rumours, about how you now have a weakness." Caleb said stuttering like a little bitch. I'm glad they fear me but it's annoying sometimes when they act like scared little girls. "Weakness?" I asked confused. What could possibly be my "weakness", it cannot be a woman because the only woman who was my weakness died years ago.

"Yes boss, they have been saying you now have a woman and they want to know who she is so they can use her to get to you." "And what information did he find?" "Nothing boss." "Good, cause there is no weakness. Find out whoever it was that was spreading that rumour, and make sure my girls are okay and that you do a thorough background check on any regular from now on." "Yes boss." They all said at once.

I left my office pissed, those Colombianas will stop at nothing to make me angry. They hold a grudge against me and my father just because we wouldn't form an alliance with them. And with that, they lost most of their businesses and security. Since than, they decided we're now enemies and that they'll do anything to bring our empire down and have us begging them for help.

It's kinda pathetic to be honest. They act like toddlers and it's annoying. We build empires in the Mafia and run businesses, but he still has time to throw a tantrum. Costa Colombiana is just an old man who needs to retire now and stop all this revenge nonsense. 

I entered my office with Mateo following me. "Talk!" "I'm sor.." I stopped him before he can continue. "Why have you been neglecting your job? Have I become too soft on you? Do I need to remind you your place?" "No boss. I'll get on it and fix this." "You have 12 hours to find the spy and the person spreading the rumours." "Yes boss." He said that and left.

Sorry guys that chapter 16 got updated before chapter 15. I don't know what happened, but please read this chapter before chapter 16. Again, I'm really sorry

Okay guys, this story won't have much Mafia drama since it solely revolves around Amanda and Alexander. This is a romance story about them, not those hardcore Mafia stories with a lot of wars and gore. I'll try to add in a little bit of that though.

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