Chapter 10

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I throw punches at him repeatedly without stopping. Crimson coats my fists and my knuckles hurt but I don't care. His screams only motivate me to continue my assault on him. There's nothing I hate more than men who think they can manhandle a defenceless woman, even if she can defend herself, that doesn't make it any better. I don't care whether they cheat or lie to them, that's non of my business, but to manhandle or rape them? That draws the line for me.

My men took an oath that they will never abuse or hurt any of our housemaids, or strippers. They should feel safe when working for me, of course they will be scared because they can die any moment but not in the hands of one my men.

"I'm.. I'm sorry boss. I promise I won't do it again." I scoff in annoyance, and take my gun shooting him 4 times on his thighs. He screams begging for me to stop. "Did you stop when she begged you to?" No one is allowed to touch her except for me, she's mine and mine alone. The only tears allowed to fall down that pretty face of hers are tears of nothing but pleasure coming from me. His cries were starting to annoy me now.

I take my metal bat and start hitting him with it. I hear his ribs break as the bat makes contact with them, blood comes out of his mouth as he slowly looses  consciousness. Really? He's dying already? I thought I trained them better, I wasn't done with him just yet. He chokes on his blood one last time before he becomes quite, no movement, just nothing. "Fuck!" I'm frustrated, I haven't reached my limit yet and this fucker decides to die. I need a release, and I need it fast.

"Clean this up." I tell one of my man as I leave the basement. I go to my room to freshen up and drive to the club, I need a release and only one person can give me that right now since Amanda is not mine yet. Veronica is, or should I say was one of my best dancers until Amanda came along. She's also my stress reliever, I can fuck her as rough as I want and she'll take it like the good little hoe she is.

I enter the club through the private door at the back of the club, going to my office on the 4th floor. I sit down and pour myself a glass of whiskey before I ask for Veronica.

"You asked for me sir." "I need a release." "Of course sir." She cat walks her way to me as I sit on the couch legs spread apart. She kneels down and starts unbuckling my belt. No this is not right. "Stop." "But sir?" "Get out." "Did I do something wrong?" "I said get the fuck out!" I yell and she quickly leaves my office.

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" I throw the glass in my hand against the wall. The glass shattering, breaking into tiny pieces. I pace around running my hand through my hair.

What is this girl doing to me? I need a fucking release and I can't even get it. All I saw on that floor was her. Looking up at me with those pretty big brown eyes of hers. She's fucking everywhere and I hate it.

Her scent, I can't get it out of my head. Her moans, how soft her skin is. I thought it was gonna end. This obsession I have for her. For years I've been trying to fight it. I'm supposed to hate her. I was supposed to kill her. Amanda Browns, you're driving me crazy and you don't even know.

I decide to call Mateo to check on Amanda. "How is she?" "She's okay. I took her to a real hospital though. I hope that's okay." "Why? We have a doctor and an indoor hospital room in my house." "Yeah I know that, but I'm sure her waking up at the house isn't gonna be good for her. It'll be better if she goes back when she's accepted what happened and knows Marcus is gone."

He has a point but still. I don't like the thought of not having her close to me. "Make sure there are guards guarding her room." "They're already there." "Good." I drop the call and pour myself another drink.

Don't kill me, I know it's short. I'm still learning how to write in male pov.

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