Chapter 19

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Song to play: You Right by Doja Cat ft The Weeknd.

I woke up today feeling down, I don't know what's wrong but I just don't feel okay. You know that feeling you get, like something's wrong but you just can't put your finger on it? Yeah, that feeling. The house is back to normal now, for the past week, everything has gotten back to normal. Mateo is smiling more, and the atmosphere is better. The boss is still his usual self but I'm not complaining, I'm used to it anyways.

I quickly prepared for my dance, putting on a black lace lingerie with a matching garter belt and see through gown. Paired it with black heels and I was ready to go.
I made my way to the 3rd floor and I started getting nervous. I don't know why, but I just didn't feel okay today. Maybe my periods are close or something, will have to check my calendar later.

I entered the room and Alexander was already waiting, seating at the edge of the bed with his legs spread wide. I mentally drooled at the sight, forgetting my nervousness. I stood at the "stage" and cleared my throat, waiting for the music to start playing. I chose this one myself, tryna send me a message here people.

You right by Doja Cat started playing, yeah I know, I don't got no man but I still want him. Haven't gotten the dick yet, but hopefully I will soon. Dry season is killing me people, it's not funny anymore. Anyways, I started dancing to the song. Following the routine I had practiced, keeping eye contact at all times. I know Alexander is intimidating but I forget all that when I'm dancing for him.

Dancing makes me happy, free and just calm. Yes I didn't enjoy working at the strip club but I still enjoyed myself whenever I danced. I crawled my way to him and straddled him, slowly grinding on him. Following the melody of the song.

"...and it don't work you see through
That I just wanna get with you
And you're right
You're ri-ght
Got my guy
But I - I
Can't help it I want you..."

I whispered the, "can't help it I want you" part in his ear. That seemed to have worked as a switch or something cause the next minute his lips were already on mine. I gasped as the kissed shocked me but I quickly returned it. I held onto his neck as his big hands were grabbing my ass on a tight grip.

The kiss was heated and filled with hunger, hunger for each other. We didn't care about the oxygen we weren't getting because all we cared about was this moment. This magical moment I've been waiting for, for so long. He stood up with  me in his arms and I wrapped my legs around his waist.

Without breaking the kiss, he gently laid me on top of the bed, getting between my legs. He broke the kiss and immediately attacked my neck and I couldn't help the moan that escaped my lips, I gripped his hair which earned me a groan from him. He continued to attack my neck as his hands roamed around my body. Squeezing my waist, ass, gripping my thighs. "Alex." I moaned as he gently bit my sweet spot in my neck, I was already socked and I needed him.

All of my self respect and morals were out the door and I didn't care. He unclipped my bra, and I helped him take it off. He kissed me again as he started massaging my boobs, whilst playing with my nipples. Pulling them, making me moan in his mouth.
He deepened the kiss and I started grinding on him, feeling him already hard. I needed him, I craved him, I had to have him. I just hope he felt the same way.

He slowly led his hands to my thighs, massaging them but not going where I want him to go. My underwear was starting to feel uncomfortable, and my clit was throbbing painfully. He took me by suprise when he tore my underwear off, the burning feeling it left making me moan even louder, not caring if anyone can hear him.

Before he can continue someone knocked on the door, fucking cock blocker. I wanted to scream and curse whoever that was.
"Boss, sorry to interrupt but we have a problem." The person from the other side of the door said. Alexander groaned and got off me. I whined in both annoyance and frustration. He just smiled at me and fixed himself up before attempting to leave.

I was a little disappointed so I got off the bed and went to take my gown on the floor. He grabbed my arm pulling me towards him and kissing me. Was a short kiss which left me yearning for more. "We're not done here. I want to find you ready for me when I come back. Got it?" I nodded my head in excitement. "Words Amanda, use your words." "Yes sir." "Good girl."

With that, he left me smiling like an idiot. I danced my way to the ensuite bathroom in the room. I heard a loud sound coming from downstairs, sounded like a bomb but you can tell it wasn't. I left the bathroom without thinking of the danger I was putting myself into. The only thing on my mind now was Alexander and Mateo. Are they okay? What's happening? Are we under attack?

Before I could even leave the room, someone entered the room. A man, probably 6'5 ft tall. He gave me a wicked smile and my flight or flee instinct finally kicked in. I tried to run but he caught up to me. Fisting my hair painfully and throwing across the room. I hit my head on the wall when he did and I saw black as the pain kicked in.

My ears made that annoying buzzing sound as I groaned in pain. Tears were already threatening to come out. I opened my eyes and my vision was a little blurry from the tears. 
That lady that killed Bianca who I've learnt her name is Natasha walked in. She looked at me and smiled, not the good kinda smile. That's when I knew that I was fucked. This is it y'all, this is the day that I meet my maker.

I wasn't gonna go out without a fight though. I tried getting up but I fell back on the floor when I felt a very strong kick in my stomach. I gasped for air when the second one was on my chest. Natasha yanked my head up so I can look at her. "You disgust me." She said looking at me with nothing but hatred. She banged my head harshly on the floor and that annoying sound came back again.

I silently cried as I couldn't move or breath properly. Where is Alexander? Where is Mateo? Where are they? Mom? Candice? Ben?
"Take her to the van outside and tie her up." Natasha said to the man that was here. I looked at them with tears in my eyes. They put earplugs on, which was confusing. The man came and picked me up, I tried fighting but he just punched me in my stomach and face. "Please stop. Please, I'm begging you." The pain was too much.

All this pain was new to me, I've never been in a physical fight before so all of this was a new and very painful experience to me. I wonder how all those women who stay in abusive relationships take all this, cause I know I can't handle it. The man threw me over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes and left the room.

Natasha followed us as he made his way downstairs. My ears felt like bleeding when I heard the sound. I don't know what it is but it was so loud and high pitched that everyone on the ground floor seemed to be in some sort of paralyzed state as they tried to close their ears to stop the sound. Now I understand the earplugs.

I could feel my ears bleeding and the pain caused by the sound plus the beating I just got was too much. I spotted Mateo in a pool of blood and tears left my eyes. Not Mateo, God please no. I also spotted Alexander with his hands in his ears with a painful yet angry expression on his face.

He looked up at me and Natasha, and if looks could kill, she would be dead by now. We left the house and I was thrown inside a van. I couldn't hear the sound anymore and it felt like a relief but the after effect was still there as my ears continued ringing. They tied me up and put duct tape on my mouth and a black bag over my head. I felt a sting on my neck and it was lights out.

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