The Hunt

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Hobi was airborne, tracking prey—primarily ferrets, deer, elk—and JK and Suga were also on the hunt, targeting humans, especially young road workers. They were close by. The flashing road signs diverted traffic away from their operation. It was the perfect snatch-and-grab scenario. Suga approached from the right, JK from the left. As sanguinarian hybrids, they both possessed agility, being fast and precise. JK captured the first victim, while Suga took the second, both 800 yards from the other workers. It took five minutes to transfer blood from the jugular vein, using a method RM devised, and store it in pint-sized bottles within a cooling backpack. They required five victims each. Their speed enabled them to act simultaneously, swiftly removing the bodies from the site. This was RM's strategy for creating the next generation of hybrids.

Hobi had taken two deer and six ferrets apart. Stripping them of all skin and blood.. Peking the flesh the same way in a cooling pak. Once done he would walk out if the woods the same way he came in before taking flight. It was a productive night.

Once they had gotten all they needed they met back at their vehicles....

"We're good for a week," JK said.
" Let's roll out," Hobi said.

Jin was up, talking with RM and V, when Jimin returned with Lila. Jimin moved closer to Jin and gestured for RM to look at Lila.

"Is she alright?" Jin asked.

Jin beckoned her over. "No way!" he exclaimed as he walked her towards RM.

"Okay, which one of you turned her, and how did you manage it so quickly?"

RM's fangs were showing, frightening V, who struggled to find the words without revealing his last gift: Cell Regeneration.

"I won't ask again... who turned Lila?"

RM insisted that they follow his instructions and live within the system he had created to protect them. There were to be no secrets; they had to comply.

"It was me.. her wounds were too extensive.. we were losing her. I used the method you taught us for the dogs." V said in a bowing state. Jimin could sense that Hobi, JK, and Suga were returning...."They're back!"

" V take her back to the kennels she is in a newborn state feed her." Leave her in her kennel cage. I will talk to you later." RM said hissing at him.

V took her back to the kennel and did as RM said. Feeling he just escaped a badass whipping.

Jimin went to help Suga JK and Hobi store the food...
each brother had a special temperature control refrigerator.
" When are we leaving for Black Village? Jin asked..
After the next race... it's time... "Dragon ye has a calling. Like I do. It's going to be a bloody war to keep this clan intact. Grandfather is key...
We are hybrids I'm sure our existence is known to him. After we feed. I will tell them the whole story. Yoongi is my worry he is just like Grandfather: strong-headed and ruthless.

"He will be ok.. he just might surprise you," Jin said.
RM walked over to the window the moon was high...
He was truly a burden to all their safety. Black village has been quiet for many years. Now that Seoul 7 and the Ye family are the next would be ten times worse.
Dragon Ye... was sending out more trackers to bring back accurate information he had a hard on thinking it was truly Jihoo children...
"Send 5 this time, let them show us who they are. "
Wait to's the weakest they will be. At first morning light. "

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