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RM reached the stairs just as Yoongi's jaws claimed Eun's head. Unaware of the wound in his side, Yoongi collapsed into Jimin and JK's arms, reverting to his human form. Without hesitation, RM set Eun's body ablaze while Yoongi felt the blood seeping from his wound, pain overwhelming him.

They hurriedly carried him to the library, where Hobi, V, and Jin were still engaged in combat with the remaining village knight stalkers. Inside the library, RM frantically searched for materials to treat Yoongi's wound. JK intervened, insisting, "No, the poison must be drawn out... I've encountered this with snake bites before... it's a toxin... We need salt and water." Jimin dashed off in search of a kitchen. Meanwhile, RM drew his hunting knife as Yoongi writhed in agony, his body seizing with pain.

JK held his arms steady as RM carefully cut around the wound to release some blood, pressing and squeezing it to extract the poison. At that moment, Jimin returned with salt and water. They hastily ripped the drapes from the windows, tearing them into strips. RM soaked the strips and applied the saline solution to Yoongi's wound, his screams echoing outside. Hobi, V, and Jin hurried in. V instructed JK to fetch the blood kits from the trailer for a transfusion; Yoongi needed it urgently.

V's blood had healing properties and they each had to donate a pint to counteract the toxins. Jin alerted RM that the place was ablaze, with dogs pursuing the remnants of the night stalkers. With Yoongi unconscious, they needed to transport him back to the estate, RM declared. Upon JK's return, they quickly set up the kit. V located a vein, connecting one end of the catheter to his arm and the other to Yoongi's. "We must all donate a pint; it's the only way to reverse the effects and get him home," V said. "Once there, we can set up a proper IV and blood transfusion."

The wind swept through the mansion as Hobi and Jin returned to the grounds; the worst was behind them. They called for the dogs. Hobi soared above to ensure no one was hiding in the shadows. It had been a grueling day and night. Their grandfather's legacy of evil had ended; the remaining black village lay in ruins. "Let's get him home; we'll all administer the next blood transfusion in two hours to ensure his safety," they agreed. V removed the catheters and checked Yoongi's pulse.

They used the leftover drapes to wrap him up for transport. RM, in disbelief over the events, insisted, "We need to know." He dashed to search the upper rooms for Eun's chamber, certain that the answers lay there.

He stumbled upon his grandfather's room, marked by a black sash across the door. Tearing it away, he entered. On the desk lay a diary, its cover inlaid with gold and sealed with red wax. He seized it and proceeded to the adjacent room—Elder Eun's quarters. There, the vile and the box containing the dagger rested on the desk. He secured both items in a cloth, ready to leave Black Village behind. It would take days for anyone to comprehend the full extent of what had transpired.

JK and Jin carried Yoongi to the trailer while V gathered the dogs and followed. Jimin awaited RM's descent.

Armed with torches, RM and Jimin ignited them and began their descent from the top of the stairs, through the hallways, down the stairs, and into several rooms, including the library. Flames engulfed the mansion, racing through each room.

RM closed the main doors to the mansion and walked to the trailer... they all watched as RM looked back in discuss and closed the main gates.

"Let's go home!" he declared, starting the trailer and pulling away from the grounds.

Their lineage, mixed as hybrids, was scorned by their grandfather. RM raised his six brothers, shielding them from societal scorn. Yet, his existence was a burden because of it.

His father was different, transformed by his mother's love. She embraced him for the potential she saw within him. A new dawn approached as the sun began to rise. Yoongi was a blessing, Pantera an omen of what being half-vampire and half-human could signify for society.

It was done; tomorrow was another day.

The End

(c) Butterflypoppy

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