Blood Line

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Dragon Ye approached his uncle, who was turned away, flanked by three trackers. He addressed his uncle, who was perusing a decree penned by Dragon Ye's father. "Elder Wu," he said in a cold voice. The elder turned, seemingly unfazed by his nephew's presence, and offered a reluctant smirk.

Closing the document, he stepped toward Dragon Ye. "You survived?" he inquired. Dragon Ye's eyes were filled with contempt. "It seems you underestimated me. Learning the truth has its advantages. Why would you think Seoul 7 could kill me?" he challenged.

"Revenge, of course," Elder Wu replied.

"Then why am I here?" Dragon Ye retorted, drawing daggers from his hoodie. "You're here to kill me!" Elder Wu declared.

"That's correct," Dragon Ye affirmed and lunged at him. Each attack was met with a counter. Elder Wu deftly avoided each thrust. Reaching into his cloak, he produced a satchel of powder. "Are you certain you can kill me?" Elder Wu cautioned him.

Without hesitation, he opened his hand, waited for another lunge, and hurled the powder at Dragon Ye.

Just before it reached him, one of the trackers stepped forward, took the brunt of the powder, and Dragon Ye threw another dagger, striking his arm as Elder Wu turned to flee.

He dashed behind a drape that concealed an entrance; the other trackers followed, only to be confronted by guards. Dragon Ye knew exactly where he would find him...

He left and sprinted to the end of the complex that led into the woods.

Yoongi stood before his grandfather. "You are remarkable. I was correct; you shall be my heir and ruler. Come to me," his grandfather declared. Jimin and the others had come back. Jimin entered through the kennel gate, immediately met by barking dogs. He dashed toward the fenced area. Yoongi faced his grandfather. As Jimin charged at him, Rios shouted, "No!" Yoongi responded by attacking his grandfather, the commotion drawing RM and the others inside.

Yoongi had his grandfather cornered, his eyes now emitting hypnotic stares.

Rios, now liberated, hurried to Yoongi's side. Seoul 7 confronted their grandfather. V released the dogs... Realizing he was outnumbered, their grandfather soared to the beams and scurried across them to flee... Unbeknownst to him, Hobi lay in wait. "Now!" RM commanded, sprinting to intercept him at the entrance. Outside, they formed a circle... now facing the Coven leader, Jihoo.

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