Nighs End

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Another race was looming in a few days. Dragon Ye chose to follow his trackers this time, dispatching five at dawn. Souel 7 braced for trouble, but Dragon Ye had misunderstood the family tree of certain vampires; hybrids could function in daylight if it was dim enough. He chose an extremely cloudy day with stormy skies. Studying the history of a headhunter takes years. Dragon Ye, a new generation member, hadn't undergone the same rigorous training as his father or grandfather and was known for his impetuousness within the order.

Boa sprinted through the towering trees on the property, while Lila remained in her kennel cage. The pack was patrolling the grounds when Jai halted abruptly.

He began to growl, his fangs descending, and his pads and claws emerging from their sheaths. Boa heard the wind rushing past; it was Jia charging full tilt at a tracker. It wasn't long before Boa joined the chase. Meanwhile, Yoongi, disturbed by the shifting wind and the barking on his side of the house, found sleep elusive.

Dragon Ye perched on the ridge, surveying the property and the ongoing skirmish below.

He dispatched additional trackers to aid his allies. Jimin was roused by a surge of energy that filled his vision, transforming and teleporting himself to the window overlooking the grounds.

Yoongi emerged from his room. "Wake the others," he commanded, climbing to the roof where platforms had been constructed for traction and leaping—JK's usual haunt at night.

On the ground, Yoongi dashed through the trees at a remarkable speed, joining the pack as they fended off trackers.

Jimin had awakened his brothers, who noticed his transformed state. RM knew trouble was afoot; all six joined Yoongi and the pack.

"Let Lila out," Jin instructed.

V called to her as he opened her cage. Newborns wield immense power in their first month post-transformation. She zoomed past V, drawn to the sounds of combat—the pack and Seoul 7 now confronted four trackers.

"Don't kill them; we need them for questioning," RM insisted. It was Yoongi's task to use his powers of illusion to distract and incapacitate them, giving them a chance to secure the captives. Trackers are the creation of Sanguinarian pureblood vampires, born from renegade wandering vampires and unchecked clans across Asia.

Dragon Ye watched as Seoul 7 underwent their vampiric transformation. "We found them!" he exclaimed, confirming his father's belief.

Yoongi swiftly apprehended the first tracker while JK and Jin engaged the remaining three. Speed was essential to subdue them.

RM approached the scene, and at that moment, Jimin sensed a presence on the distant ridge. J Hope soared towards the ridge and spotted a group of headhunters and additional trackers. Approaching Dragon Ye, he noticed the clan's markings on his neck. With this information, he quickly returned to his brothers, who were escorting the captured trackers away. In the distance, Hobi's voice could be heard.

Yoongi waited as Hobi emerged from the treeline, walking towards him. RM, left with no alternative, knew it was time to return to the Black Village. Dragon Ye possessed the evidence required to confront the elders. Once more, the tranquility would be disrupted.

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