Chapter 1

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Chapter 1 or not?

"Emergency notice, emergency notice, the aircraft has been attacked by unknown rays, the direction sensor has failed, and the navigation has failed. The aircraft will make an emergency landing in ten minutes. Passengers, please don't panic, put on your safety equipment, and wait for the aircraft to land safely..."

"Emergency notice, emergency notice..." The

sharp sirens kept ringing, the passengers panicked, some screamed and cried, some fled in all directions, and the entire aircraft became a mess.

The young and beautiful flight attendant tried to comfort the passenger, but with little success, tears came out of her anxiously.

At this moment, Hang Ning is still in a deep sleep.

She was really sleepy. In order to prepare the proposal for the three-year Interstellar United Conference, she stayed up all night for a whole week, and finally revised it to her satisfaction.

After finally getting on the aircraft flying to the federal government, he fell into a deep sleep as soon as he sat down.

Unexpectedly, the aircraft suffered an unknown attack at this time.

Assistant Wen Liang is a new intern. He just graduated from the highest interstellar institution not long ago. When he encountered this situation for the first time, he couldn't help but panic and shook Hang Ning vigorously: "Minister Hang Ning, Minister Hang Ning, wake up! There is something wrong with the aircraft!"

Hang Ning was dreaming that he was fighting with the Confucian scholars at the conference, making the final mobilization for her proposal, when he saw an extreme opponent rushing to the stage, dragging her and dragging her away , Hang Ning woke up suddenly.

In a daze, she felt a violent shaking, and only then did she fully wake up.

"What's the matter, something happened to the aircraft?"

Seeing her wake up, Wen Liang breathed a sigh of relief: "Yes, Mr. Minister, please check the safety equipment."

Hang Ning had heard the siren clearly at this time, and she quickly After calming down, I double-checked the safety equipment on the side of the seat to make sure they were activated properly.

At this moment, an Alpha male in his thirties unbuckled his seat belt, rushed to the aircraft hatch, flipped the door switch, and shouted: "Don't lie to us anymore, the aircraft has encountered a terrorist attack, wait It will definitely explode soon! I am going to jump right now, I still have a chance to survive, and I am waiting to die here!"

Under his instigation, the cabin became even more chaotic, and several people unfastened the safety locks. Belt, eager to try, trying to jump off the plane.

"Sir, stop, you can't open the cabin door at will, it's too dangerous!" The flight attendant rushed over to stop him.

But the weak Omega flight attendant was physically vulnerable, and was kicked to the ground by the rude male Alpha.

"You stinky bitch Omega, perform your Omega's duties well. It's enough to have a baby at home, and you dare to interfere with this Alpha's decision, you really can't control yourself!

" The Alpha passenger chimed in and whistled a few times.

The rest of Beta and Omega didn't dare to make a sound at all.

Such blatant ridicule is really commonplace. In the interstellar society, power is absolutely everything.

Alpha's physical advantages are too obvious, they are basically the masters of society and the rule makers.

The enemy is actually Omega [Female A Male O]Where stories live. Discover now