Chapter 10

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Chapter 10 What I hit was your shit-spitting mouth...

    Hang Ning's vacation soon ran out, and on Monday, he went to the office building of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on time.

    The 1.5 million tipped to her during the day, she withdrew from her account, 500,000 of which was bought for a private flying machine, which was just delivered to her yesterday afternoon. The rest of the money was paid to the hospital's intensive rehabilitation center to extend Shengqian's stay in the hospital.

    In the year she graduated, she took the private pilot's license test, but today is her first real pilot.

    Very nervous.

    When I couldn't sleep last night, I searched for the driving instruction video, and reviewed it several times from beginning to end.

    After boarding the cockpit and sitting in the driver's seat, I checked the instruments carefully, and after confirming that they were correct, I turned on the starting equipment.

    Hang Ning rehearsed the operation sequence again in his mind, and finally heard a warm female voice reminding...

    "The aircraft has started, do you want to turn on the autopilot function?"

    wtf? ? ? Ten thousand grass and mud horses galloped past in Hang Ning's heart...

    Technology is advancing so fast, it turns out that every aircraft is now equipped with an autopilot system. Fortunately, she was nervous all night last night, fearing that there would be an accident when driving for the first time.

    Hang Ning activated the automatic driving function without hesitation, and arrived at the office building of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs smoothly and safely.

    At this time, she encountered another problem, where should the aircraft park? She has not yet registered her personal aircraft in the office system, so she has not been allocated a parking space for the aircraft.

    Hang Ning had to park the aircraft at the door in embarrassment, and went in to ask the logistics department.

    She also entered the door with her, a female colleague Mu Sisi who had always been at odds with her.

    Hang Ning didn't want to talk to her, so he acted as if he didn't see her.

    But Mu Sisi couldn't help but taunt her: "Wow, I actually bought a private flying machine. It's a lot of money, and it's parked at the door to show off."

    Hang Ning rolled her eyes inwardly. She knew that Mu Sisi's aircraft was less than 200,000 yuan, so she deliberately stimulated her and said, "It's not much money, I bought it at a discount, only 500,000 yuan."

    The smile on the corner of Mu Sisi's mouth froze. After a while, I couldn't hold back my face, so I could only attack the money matter: "It's so expensive, it seems that Minister Hang Ning has contributed a lot, no wonder he took so many days off, I don't know who to accompany the big man."

    Hang Ning continued to smirk: " I don't need you to worry about that."

    After finishing speaking, Hang Ning turned his head to the logistics department, ignoring Mu Sisi's gnashing of teeth.

    Mu Sisi looked at Hang Ning's far away back, graceful and colorful, with a superb temperament, just one back made people think about it.

    The back of an Alpha is more beautiful and attractive than that of her Omega, and Mu Sisi is even more angry.

    What are you proud of? Without a noble attitude of innocence and independence, he is still not a rubbish Alpha who makes his Omega colleagues belly up.

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