Chapter 30

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Chapter 30

    Kinder Hotel.

    A resplendent palace-style building.

    The parking lot in front of the hotel was empty, and it seemed that today, in order to wait for her to pass by, the business was temporarily closed for a day.

    Hang Ning couldn't help sighing: "There should be a net inside waiting to catch me." Under the

    words, Rong Jia could only laugh: "This is Liu Tianhu's territory, there should be a lot of his people inside."

    "Okay, go in and meet Yes."

    Hang Ning took a deep breath and walked quickly towards the hotel's gate.

    In front of the hotel gate, two tall men in black stopped her.

    "What do you mean?" Hang Ning looked at Rong Jia.

    Rong Jia was also puzzled: "No one stopped me when I came here."

    The man in black said: "Before entering, you need to do a full body check and hand in the communicator."

    Hang Ning's complexion suddenly sank: "This is also the hotel's regulations. ? I think it looks more like the style of a black shop!"

    "It's the boss's order."

    Hang Ning smiled angrily, and clapped his hands: "Yes, this day's net is really powerful, and I felt it before I went in."

    Although her face was calm , but he was struggling in his heart. If he wanted to go in, he had to give up the monitoring equipment and communicator, and he couldn't get in touch with He Wenzhou in real time.

    But if you don't accept the inspection, the other party will also be more vigilant, and I don't know what new ways to make things difficult for her next time.

    It seems that the previous communication preparations may not be needed.

    Hang Ning made a quick assessment of the current situation. Although it was more dangerous than expected, the Kinder Hotel is here. If she didn’t go back as agreed, the hotel could be blown up three times with He Wenzhou’s firepower. Information cannot be transmitted in real time, and there is no great danger.

    Even if He Wenzhou couldn't come in time, she might not be able to kill Liu Tianhu. After all, she had successfully killed Mandel before, and Liu Tianhu's chaotic combat power should not be comparable to that of the enemy's generals.

    Hang Ning hesitated for a while, then quietly removed the micro-monitor and threw it away by pulling his hair.

    The modified communicator was also truthfully handed in.

    Only after passing the 360-degree inspection of high-tech equipment did they enter the hotel.

    Rong Jia: "The private room is right in front, I'll take you there."

    The man in black said again: "Sorry, the meeting place has changed, I'll take you there."

    He pressed the elevator, and when the elevator opened, Hang Ning She was pushed onto the elevator, but Rong Jia was not allowed to come up.

    The man in black directly presses the minus 3 floor button.

    Hang Ning noticed that it was weird. Generally, hotels only have the second basement floor, which is a parking lot, but the third floor that the man in black pressed down should be a secret room under the parking lot.

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