Chapter 35

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Chapter 35

    After the doctor left, Hang Ning and He Wenzhou discussed the next countermeasures.

    "What should we do? Based on what we have so far, we can only conclude that the Zhao family is conducting genetic modification experiments, but we don't know the experimental base and the direction of genetic modification. How should we investigate next?" Following Yu Hongsheng's death, The direction of investigation was cut off, and Hang Ning was very worried.

    He Wenzhou looked down at the bandage on Hang Ning's arm that had not been removed, patted her on the shoulder and said, "Remember, you are a diplomat, not a professional detective. Professional matters should be handled by professional people. "     Hang Ning asked like a machine gun: "Let it be handed over to the police? But it is difficult to guarantee whether the power of the Zhao family has spread to the police? If the police are unwilling to investigate the Zhao family, what should we do?"     He Wenzhou: "Yes Disclosing it to the media creates pressure from public opinion. In short, you can't take risks alone, do you hear me?"     "Well." After Hang Jing calmed down, she reflected on herself. Sometimes she was too persistent in doing things, and she would always get into it when she was sure about one thing. She needs to remind herself to keep a cool head all the time.     After He Wenzhou finished speaking, the communicator rang. It was a high-level leader of the police department and his college friend.     He Wenzhou then asked: "What's the matter?"     "The placenta you asked me to help you pay attention to before, and now the investigation results have come out, and the gene sequence of a rare night creature in the Dark Night Abyss was found inside."     "Dark creature "     Yes, not only a rare gene sequence has been discovered, but also a sequence that has not been found before, and it cannot be ruled out that it is a new type of dark night creature that we have not yet detected." I want you to go to the Dark Night Abyss to check and see if there is anything unusual there?"     "Okay." He Wenzhou agreed, and with this kind of investigation result, even if he is not allowed to go to the Dark Night Abyss, he has to go and check it out. rest assured.     Seeing that He Wenzhou received the call, Hang Ning frowned, with a solemn face, and hurriedly asked, "What's wrong? What happened?"

    He Wenzhou replied: "It's nothing, it's related to the night creatures. The police found the unknown dark night creature gene sequence from that placenta.

    " Let's mix human genes, it's terrible." Hang Ning immediately diverged his thinking after hearing this: "Will the children born in the future be human or night creatures?"

    "I'm going to take people to the dark night abyss later, maybe You are going to go for half a month, and then you sort out the materials and hand them over to the police."

    "Yes." Hang Ning suddenly felt that He Wenzhou was not as indifferent and taciturn as she remembered, but sometimes chattered like a parent.

    Someone who was rejected and didn't know it continued to tell: "Pay attention to safety these days, it's best not to leave the military base, in case the Zhao family will send someone to hurt you."

    "Well, I see, you can go at ease, pay attention Be safe, come back early."

    He Wenzhou smiled faintly, "Repeat what you just said."

    Hang Ning was at a loss, what are you doing? "I see, you can go at ease."

    "Not this one, but the next one." He Wenzhou shook his head.

    Hang Ning continued puzzledly: "Pay attention to safety, and come back early."

    He Wenzhou nodded, and replied with a smile: "Well, I will come back early, and you also pay attention to safety."

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