Chapter 48

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Chapter 48 I Seem To Be In Love With You

    three months ago.

    After Hang Ning lost her vital signs, Professor Pang Yan did not directly notify Hang Ning's relatives and friends, but placed her "remains" in cold storage.

    Professor Pang Yan originally wanted to dissect Hang Ning's "body" to find out where the virus failed to fight against the human immune system.

    Thus, the key factors for the formation of antibodies are found.

    The next day, when Professor Pang Yan went to the cold storage to check Hang Ning's "remains", he unexpectedly found that Hang Ning's body was warm, which indicated that Hang Ning was not dead, or "returned to life".

    Could it be that the low temperature environment is the relevant factor for the formation of antibodies?

    This guess flashed through Pang Yan's mind.

    Pang Yan transferred Hang Ning back to the medical room, controlled the air temperature, and continued to observe Hang Ning's physical condition.

    During this period, Hang Ning has been in a coma, no matter what kind of stimulation is given, the body has no response, as if the animal has fallen into hibernation.

    Fortunately, the ever-fluctuating life curve on the medical equipment indicates that Hang Ning's life will continue.

    After a week like this, Hang Ning just woke up.

    Professor Pang Yan finally breathed a sigh of relief, and began to arrange the next treatment plan.

    After a series of laboratory tests, Pang Yan detected the virus antibody from Hang Ning's body as he wished, which means that the next treatment can be carried out step by step.

    Three days later, when Hang Ning's body recovered, he started the marked treatment.

    Different from simple temporary marks, the final mark of depth is a private and solemn ceremony in the eyes of everyone, and it is the most important behavior in the relationship between the sexes.

    In the end, the place where He Wenzhou was marked was in the medical room. Hang Ning never thought of this possibility.

    When she changed into her hospital clothes, she entered He Wenzhou's medical testing room.

    From the life curve on the instrument, it can be seen that He Wenzhou's life fluctuations are already very weak, and his body functions are like an old man on the verge of decay.

    His breathing was inaudible, and even the rise and fall of his chest was so weak that he couldn't see the strength.

    Don't know what the heartbeat under the chest will be like?

    Hang Ning slowly bent down, brushed his thick hair behind his ears, and gently lay on He Wenzhou's chest, with his ears pressed against his chest, carefully distinguishing the beating of his heart.

    Her heartbeat was much slower than usual, but fortunately it was still beating, which gave her a lot of comfort.

    Hang Ning sighed softly: "Fortunately, I survived, and it's also fortunate that you lasted so long, otherwise we would never be able to meet again."

    "In order to save you, I will make a final and thorough mark on you later. After the mark, we will Then they became a true lover. I know that if an Alpha wants to mark an Omega, he must ask the Omega’s opinion in advance. I originally wanted to propose to you on your birthday, and then mark you completely. Unfortunately, these things happened, let All the romantic arrangements in the past are cancelled, but I know that even if I don’t ask your opinion, you are willing to be completely marked by me, right?”

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