Chapter 11

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Chapter 11 The person who was transferred was Minister Hang Ning...

    Bai Jingshan would say such words from time to time, which were quite indiscriminate between public and private. Hang Ning was a little awkward. She was no longer the weak and bully little girl she was back then.

    "What do you want me for?" Hang Ning changed the subject.

    Bai Jingshan handed a file bag on the desktop to Hang Ning, "This is the investigation result from the police station."

    It has been half a month since he was attacked last time, and the investigation results came out so quickly. It is much higher than usual, presumably it is the credit of Bai Jingshan's constant urging.

    Hang Ning opened the file bag, took out the investigation report, and browsed through it roughly.

    Regarding the investigation results, Hang Ning was quite disappointed, only a few Luo Luo were caught, and the most powerful one was Yu Hongsheng, a middle-level cadre of the Ministry of Commerce.

    There is no one related to the four major families.

    Hang Ning closed the investigation report and said calmly: "If I knew this was the result, they are all irrelevant people. The real mastermind behind the scenes is still at ease."

    Bai Jingshan crossed his hands and said in relief: "The political situation is complicated, and the network of relationships is intricate. It is indeed difficult to catch the real culprit, this time it is not easy to find someone of Yu Hongsheng's level."

    "I don't believe that there are no members of the four major families, only they can directly attack the aircraft with their hands and eyes. "Hang Ning insisted on his own opinion, and his tone was full of regret: "It's a pity that their position is too stable."

    Bai Jingshan said: "Which family do you think is the most likely, such as the He family."

    Hearing the He family, Hang Ning frowned His eyebrows lowered, his pupils moved slightly, and after a little thought he shook his head: "The He family is the most unlikely."

    "Why do you say that? He Wenzhou is no different from the conservative Alpha."

    "This may just be superficial." Hang Ning didn't hide much, and said bluntly: "In fact, in the last vote, it was the He family who cast a veto, which made the proposal of the one-A-multiple-O system fail to pass."

    Bai Jingshan was slightly surprised: "And this matter, I haven't heard you mention it before, it's incredible to hear it at first."

    Hang Ning smiled lightly: "After all, I don't want to say good things for He Wenzhou."

    Bai Jingshan laughed softly , tolerate her childish behavior.

    "Since Yu Hongsheng is the only one who confessed this time, it must be beaten hard, and it will be a shock." Hang Ning narrowed his eyes slightly, and a trace of fierce calculation flashed in his eyes.

    Bai Jingshan nodded: "Be careful, and come to me when you encounter trouble."

    Hang Ning: "Speaking of trouble, I do have one troublesome thing I want to tell you."

    Bai Jingshan: "What's the matter?"

    Hang Ning: "I Apply to do research on the dangerous star."

    "The dangerous star?" Bai Jingshan frowned, looked at her in disbelief, and confirmed again: "You are going to the dangerous star."

    Hang Ning nodded heavily: "Yes."

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