Chapter 3

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Chapter 3 You Really Don't Remember You're an Omeg...

    Hang Ning reviewed everything that happened today, and wrote a work report, explaining in detail that the aircraft suffered an unknown attack today, the briefcase was damaged, and the proposal was not passed.

    However, all the information related to He Wenzhou was hidden by her. They have always been in a hostile relationship, so it is not appropriate to involve too much in the work report.

    It is said to be a work report, but it is written more like an apology letter.

    After finishing writing, Hang Ning sent the debriefing report to the mailbox of Ambassador Bai Jingshan of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

    Bai Jingshan, Hang Ning's boss, was also her sponsor when she was young, and supported her a lot.

    Once, she was also her guide, her spiritual pillar.

    Hang Ning's departmental group had the only member of parliamentary seat this year, and Bo Jingshan gave it to Hang Ning against all opinions. Now that the situation is like this, Hang Ning feels ashamed of him.

    So I specially wrote this report to express my repentance.

    Twenty minutes later, when Hang Ning was about to fall asleep, he received a communication request from Bai Jingshan.

    What he sent directly was a holographic projection communication.

    Holographic projection communication is the highest interstellar communication method, and it is generally used in relatively formal occasions or very intimate relationships.

    Hang Ning was so startled that he didn't feel sleepy at all, he quickly tidied up the room, tidied up his appearance, and connected Bai Jingshan's communication request.

    A technological blue light screen appeared in front of Hang Ning, and the nano-scale bright particles projected from the screen converged into the shape of a human body in the blink of an eye.

    A humanoid holographic projection model appeared in Hang Ning's room.

    This kind of holographic projection person is almost the same as a real person, except that the outline of the human body glows slightly, making a distinction from the entity.

    The holographic man in front of him was dressed in the highest-grade uniform of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, with long silver-white hair and rare deep sea-colored eyes. Although he was over forty, he was well-maintained, and his real age could not be seen on his elegant and handsome features.

    "Ambassador Bai, I'm sorry to disappoint your expectations." Hang Ning lowered his head and said calmly.

    Bai Jingshan nodded, "I have read your email, and I understand the situation. Are you injured?" The words were full of elder-like friendship and care.

    "Report to the ambassador, I'm fine." Hang Ning replied.

    "Why are you so lucky?"

    Bai Jingshan looked at her meaningfully, and couldn't help but feel emotional, time flies, he has been busy with work for too long, and before he recovered, the little girl in the past appeared like this .

    Hang Ning didn't know how to answer. After she put away the thoughts she shouldn't have, she has always maintained this attitude, with a clear distinction between public and private.

    Seeing that she was silent, Bai Jingshan sighed slightly: "You know, I don't have a child, and I once sponsored you again, so it's somewhat beyond the concern of my superiors and subordinates."

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