Chapter 41

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Chapter 41

    detention center.

    Bian Yan sat motionless, the handcuffs on her hands had not been removed.

    Her heart was filled with anger and unwillingness, and more than remorse, her heart was ashamed.

    If everything could start over, would she still be so attached to He Wenzhou that her heart twisted, the demons in her heart drove her to commit great crimes, and then she made a wrong step, and ended up in this situation.

    Will she ever see the world again?

    When everyone betrayed her relatives and had nothing left, looking back at He Wenzhou, she realized that she did not have deep roots in love for him, and what she was looking for was only the sense of stability, the power and status of the He family.

    But why is this so difficult for her?

    Bian Yan's tears fell on her arms drop by drop, and she thought of Hang Ning again, is she guilty, no, the voice in her heart told her that she was not guilty, but instead was annoyed that she had missed, which led to being in jail but did not really want Hang Ning Ning's life.

    Her nails pinched her arms tightly, her body trembling, and she waited pessimistically for the interrogation summons.

    The iron gate moved, Bian Yan raised her head and stared fiercely at the visitor.

    The police officer walked towards her and reached out to grab her arm, but Bian Yan struggled to avoid it.

    "I'm not guilty, don't want me to confess!" She firmly repeated what she said countless times, brainwashing herself over and over again.

    The police officer said: "I will help you unlock the handcuffs, you are free, someone is coming to pick you up outside, I will send you out."

    Bian Yan was stunned by the sudden good news, she was stunned for a long time, before she came back to her senses, she was overjoyed and said: "Who's coming to pick me up, is it the He family? I know they won't ignore me."

    Bian Yan's tears flowed even more fiercely, laughing while crying, like a deranged lunatic.

    The police officer frowned: "You will know if you go out." After speaking, he uncuffed her and sent her out through the back door of the detention center.

    As soon as he went out, he saw a black private aircraft ostentatiously parked at the door.

    Bian Yan ran over excitedly, wanting to throw herself into He Yingwei's arms and cry her grievances.

    When I got on the aircraft, I accidentally ran into a man who was sitting there leisurely reading a newspaper. The smile on Bian Yan's face gradually faded, and she couldn't believe it: "Why are you?"

    Zhao Zhecheng pushed his glasses: "It's a surprise to see me? Otherwise Who do you think will come to save you now? The He family? Stop dreaming."

    Bian Yan was greatly disappointed, and her last hope for the He family fell behind, she stood there at a loss, not knowing what to do.

    Zhao Zhecheng looked at Bian Yan greedily, and he could only see her dignified and ladylike side on weekdays, and rarely saw her so fragile and deceitful, as if she would break if he exerted force, which really made him aroused.

    Want to bully her, want to possess her, want to play with her, want to turn her into a loyal puppy.

    Zhao Zhecheng patted his leg, and said maliciously: "Sit up."

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