Chapter 46

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Chapter 46 I Will Consecrate My Glands

    The First Hospital of the Interstellar Federation.

    He Wenzhou fell into a deep sleep, and above his body were constantly operating medical equipment, monitoring his vital signs in all directions.

    The news that He Wenzhou came out of the dark night abyss alive spread to Lan Haixing, and immediately set off a stormy public opinion. The ordinary people were ecstatic, and shed sincere tears for the hero they admired.

    The federal government's response was mediocre. Underneath the surface calm, there was an undercurrent. Different spheres of influence had their own ulterior motives. They were all watching a show at the moment—seeing whether He Wenzhou could really survive.

    After all, they had inquired about the news from the hospital that He Wenzhou was infected with a new type of unknown virus, which harmed the nervous system, and He Wenzhou's internal organs were rapidly failing.

    All of a sudden, the life curve on the medical equipment fluctuated violently. Hang Ning woke up in a jerk and rushed to find a doctor.

    This drastic change in vital signs has happened four or five times, and every time it has involved Hang Ning's heart.

    The attending physician, Professor Pang Yan, received the abnormal alarm signal from the equipment, and quickly left for the medical room, where he met the panic-stricken Minister Hang Ning on the way.

    "Professor, go and see him!"

    Hang Ning said urgently. She was sleepless, eating and drinking during this time, and her voice was weak and unpleasant.

    "Minister Hang Ning, I am going to treat General He. You are in a very bad state of mind. I suggest you go home and rest as soon as possible. Our hospital will give General He the best treatment."

    Pang Yan is a complete scientific lunatic. He has been obsessed with medical research for half his life. He is a top medical expert in the Interstellar Federation. He rarely pays attention to public opinion. He has heard about the hostile relationship between Hang Ning and He Wenzhou. There is a strong interest in the relationship between people. Not only are the two not in the hostile relationship as rumored by the outside world, but they are far closer than ordinary people.

    He Wenzhou's life and death were uncertain, and it was Hang Ning who brought him to the hospital. When He Wenzhou was detected to be infected with a new type of virus and was basically hopeless, it was Hang Ning who went around and contacted him, told him about his condition, and begged him to take over. Continue to treat He Wenzhou.

    In short, what Hang Ning did to He Wenzhou far exceeded the normal friendship of colleagues, and was even more like a lover who shared weal and woe.

    Pang Yan has always liked to challenge the unknown. After receiving this medical report, he immediately became interested, directly gave up the meeting he was about to attend, and rushed to the Interstellar Federation Hospital.

    At that time, all the doctors in the hospital had the idea of ​​giving up, and even planned to contact the media to announce that He Wenzhou was about to die from the new virus, but the He family forcibly suppressed it, so the news did not leak out. Ordinary people still thought that He Wenzhou was dying for a short time. coma, will wake up soon.

    Hang Ning now clearly remembers the scene when He Wenzhou's heart stopped beating, and her heart seemed to stop beating.

    Only then did she realize that He Wenzhou had already entered her heart, and his importance to her was far deeper than she knew... It turned out that she had fallen in love with him a long time ago, even though She didn't even mark him outright.

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