Chapter 7

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Chapter 7 Wrong hospitality in vain.

    Hang Ning hurried to Ai Di for help.

    Honey: [Help, I received a terrifying text message! ! ! ]

    Addy: [Did He Wenzhou send you a threatening text message? ]

    Honry: Screenshot.jpg

    Addy: [It's really scary]

    Honey: [Save me [tears]]

    Addy: [Resist is better than enjoyment, maybe the system will match you with a top-quality O, wouldn't it be a surprise? ]

    Honey: [I think it's almost a shock. ]

    Addy: [That's right, it's impossible for a high-quality O to be without a partner, and to be reduced to the point where a matching center needs to be matched. ]

    Honey: [What should I do? I will never go! Can't beat him to death! I only have work in my heart, and no one can separate me from work! ]

    Addy: [The easiest way is to get out of the order. Don't you always like your colleague? Although I think that male O is very green tea, but if you really want him, then boldly confess. 】

    Ai Di's words reminded Hang Ning that as long as he leaves the order during this period, the troubles will be solved easily.

    Rong Jia had just broken up at this moment, so it was a good time to take advantage of it.

    She decided to go all out, confess boldly, and succeeded in one fell swoop.

    Honey: [What do you need to prepare for confession? ]

    Addy: [Flowers? ]

    Honey: [It's so expensive. 】

    The technological level of the interstellar era has increased exponentially compared to the earth era, but the resources of blue sea stars are quite scarce, and a fresh cut flower is roughly equivalent to Hang Ning's daily salary.

    Buying a bouquet of flowers is equivalent to a month's salary.

    Addy: [Please, confess, how can you not bleed some blood, and your confession partner, to be honest, is a bit money-worshipping. 】

    Honey: 【Why are you so hostile to him? 】

    Addy: 【This is our Omega's sixth sense, you Alphas won't understand it. 】

    Honey: 【Except for flowers? ]

    Addy;: [Precious gift. ]

    Honey: [Then can I give him the diplomatic medal I got earlier? ]

    Addy: […]

    Just after chatting with Ai Di, Hang Ning was still in a panic about marriage and love matching, and received another video request.

    You don't need to look, you can guess who it is, Bai Jingshan, only he likes to send her video requests.

    Hang Ning still didn't dare not answer.

    After connecting, the 3D image "Park View Mountain" appeared in her bedroom.

    "Sorry to contact you so late. I just heard from the security office that you sent an emergency call for help. When I went to the scene, I only found the corpse of the night creature, and there was no trace of you, so I was very worried about you."

    Hang Ning replied: " I'm fine, thank you for your concern."

    Bai Jingshan: "The security department said that the dark night creatures you encountered were high-level and very dangerous. How did you escape when ordinary people met a near-death situation?"

The enemy is actually Omega [Female A Male O]Where stories live. Discover now