Chapter 44

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Chapter 44

    Dark night abyss.

    After He Wenzhou and his elite troops arrived, they quickly understood the situation with the border guards.

    The border guards who survived the zombies reported to He Wenzhou in detail.

    At that time, he and his partner were patrolling the dark night abyss, and suddenly saw a person standing motionless with his back to them.

    Usually, very few people would come to Dark Night Abyss, so the border guards couldn't help being curious about this stranger.

    They called out to the man, but there was no response from him.

    One of the border guards mustered up his courage and walked towards the man while using a device to check his vital signs.

    The device does not detect any signs of life!

    "It's a dead man." The border guards were even more surprised. It's not unusual to find a dead man, but it's unusual to find a dead man standing upright.

    "Come back soon, it's too weird, let's go back and report the situation first."

    "Let me look at his front first." The border guard turned to the front of the man cautiously.

    The man opened his eyes, and the eyeballs rolled without warning.


    " He was far away, he was close, and I escaped by chance, but he... When we went back the next day, we found his skeleton, the flesh and internal organs of his body were devoured by zombies, which was horrible."

    He Wenzhou After analyzing it in my mind, I found that it has the same appearance as a human, but has no vital signs, and can eat people like a night creature. This is really unexpected, and it perfectly fits people's imagination of zombies.

    "Can you take us to the place at that time?" The

    border guard nodded: "Okay, you follow me."

    He Wenzhou led the elite troops to the place where the zombies were first discovered, led by the survivors.

    "It's the place in front, I won't go any further." The border guards stopped and pointed to them.

    He Wenzhou walked towards that place, and the team members behind him followed closely.

    After He Wenzhou walked around the shore of the Dark Night Abyss twice, his face darkened, and he said coldly, "Go down and have a look."

    It is unrealistic to wait for the zombies to reappear on the shore, so they can only go down to the Dark Night Abyss , in order to better inquire about the situation.

    Give an order, no one flinches, and they all said in unison: "Yes!"

    The border guards who witnessed the incident couldn't bear it and said: "The zombies are really ferocious, if there are a bunch of such zombies under the dark night abyss, then your situation is too dangerous It is ."

    "Well, it is precisely because of this that we have to go down even more, otherwise it would be meaningless to come here." He Wenzhou's elite troops are all doing bloody missions, and they are ready to sacrifice at any time.

    He Wenzhou took the lead and went down first.

    The rest of the people also came down one by one.

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