Chapter 5

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Chapter 5 Is it really going to die here?

    She has always been a responsible person. Since Rong Jia had a regular alpha partner at the time, Hang Ning was even more ashamed. She could not propose to be responsible for the temporary mark that night. She could only treat Rong Jia silently and do her best in work and life. help him.

    Who would have thought that Rong Jia would conceive by accident, it's obviously not his susceptible period recently, I really don't know how his alpha partner forced him.

    Hang Ning asked: "Need me to contact your alpha partner and let him come to see you?"

    Rong Jia shook his head: "No, I have already broken up with that scumbag."

    "Congratulations, start over." Hearing this In other words, Hang Ning is very pleased.

    Rong Jia smiled reluctantly, with deep sadness in her eyes.

    Hang Ning really wanted to say something, but felt that the time was inappropriate, and finally swallowed the words.

    It's okay, the days are still long anyway.

    She raised her hand and looked at her watch, got up and said, "You have a good rest, and I'll call the nurse if you have something to do. I'll go back first, and I'll come see you tomorrow."

    Rong Jia: "I'll pay you back the fee after I leave the hospital."

    "Don't think about it, you Rest more and take good care of your body."

    Hang Ning left Rong Jia's ward and did not go back directly, but went to the hospital's intensive rehabilitation center.

    The last time I came was three months ago.

    The ICU is the most technologically advanced and expensive area in the hospital, and it is also the place where visitors feel the most depressed. Hang Ning is no exception, every time he comes, he leaves with grief in his heart.

    "Please show your visitation permit." The front desk staff of the rehabilitation center asked routinely.

    Hang Ning called out the visiting authority from the interstellar medical card, "It's troublesome."

    After verifying the identity information, the staff replied: "Thank you for your cooperation, please come in."

    Hang Ning nodded in response. After entering the door, he walked into a ward familiarly. The door sign of the ward said Vegetative Rehabilitation Physiotherapy Room.

    A female Omega lay quietly on the hospital bed. For the convenience of care, her original long hair had been cut off, leaving only a short cropped head. A feeding tube was inserted in her nose, and the muscles that had not been active for a long time were gone Shrunk a lot.

    Her appearance is exactly the same as it was a few years ago, and time seems to have stopped there.

    She is Sheng Qian, Hang Ning's college roommate and once best friend.

    In the year of graduation, she could have entered the Ministry of Foreign Affairs with Hang Ning, but her parents betrothed her to an old and frail male Alpha with a previous record of domestic violence for a sum of money, forcing her to marry.

    Sheng Qian couldn't think about it, and committed suicide. Hang Ning found out at the last moment, and took her life, but she could only lie unconscious on the hospital bed.

    Sheng Qian's parents were unwilling to pay the high hospital fees and had completely abandoned her. Hang Ning could only support herself with her salary.

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