Chapter 14

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Chapter 14 I am willing to fight for negotiation opportunities.

    When Hang Ning woke up again, he was already lying on the bed of the military hospital.

    Seeing her wake up, Wen Liang helped her to sit up, "Wait a minute, I'll go to the doctor." After the

    doctor came over, he performed a simple auscultation on Hang Ning and said, "It's nothing serious, it's just hypoglycemia and strenuous exercise. Just rest for a while, and don’t exercise on an empty stomach next time, even if you drink nutrient solution.”

    Hang Ning resented: “Thank you, doctor, but it’s not up to me to decide.” The

    doctor understood, Clearly said: "It's the unlucky guy who was punished by that devil of Admiral He again. You are so beautiful, he can really be ruthless."

    Tsk, seeing the doctor's well-known appearance, it is estimated that He Wenzhou sent him to the hospital. This is a common occurrence, Hang Ning feels sad in his heart, and his scalp tingles when he thinks of the sad days to come.

    Hang Ning suddenly thought of night creatures, and quickly asked: "Why are there night creatures in the military base?" The

    doctor replied: "This kind of night creatures are cultivated by the military base for research and training, and they are consumables. They can be used in combat training, weapon research and development, and drug research and development."

    "That's it." Hang Ning thought that the defense of the military base had become a sieve.

    The doctor got up: "Okay, you rest here for a while, I'm going to make rounds first." After the

    doctor left, Hang Ning asked Wen Liang: "How long have I been in a coma? Who sent me to the hospital?"

    Wen Liang replied: " You have been in a coma for three hours, Admiral He sent you here, and then he seems to have received some urgent order, and soon left the military base with a corps of people."

    "Good walk, I may be able to relax for a while It's too late, it's best not to come back forever." Hang Ning said angrily.

    "It's better not to say such unlucky words. Admiral He and the others should go to perform a military mission, and they should return safely." Wen Liang said seriously, and felt that this answer would make Hang Ning angry, so he turned his face away and dared not look at her .

    Hang Ning smiled, patted him on the shoulder and said, "I can still tell the difference between public and private. Even if I hate him so much, I won't really wish him to die in the mission."

    Wen Liang turned his face, sincerely Compliment her proudly: "Minister, you are really the best person I have ever seen. You are excellent in your work and you are kind to people.

    " Let's take a look at the post."


    Three days passed like this, and because He Wenzhou was not at the base, Hang Ning was very comfortable, no one forced her to do morning exercises, no one troubled her, and there was not even any work for her to deal with The only thing she did in the past three days was to reorganize the information left by the previous military diplomat.

    By sorting out these materials, Hang Ning discovered many confidential events that he had not touched before.

    For example, five years ago, the warships of the Gru Star enemy army had sailed over their planet, preparing to launch a nuclear bombing in the middle of the night, with the intention of razing Blue Sea Star to the ground. In this tense, life-and-death atmosphere, the diplomats abruptly resolved the crisis through fifteen hours of negotiations.

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