Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

    The episode during the meal cast a shadow over Hang Ning's heart, and then she was a little absent-minded, unable to enjoy the food.

    He Wenzhou saw her uneasiness, and comforted her: "Don't be afraid, it's the police's business after that, and whether the result is good or bad has nothing to do with you."

    Hang Ning: "There is always a sense of foreboding."

    He Wenzhou suddenly Thinking of what I heard in the bathroom that day, the old thing was brought up again: "Last time I told you to be careful about Rong Jia, has he contacted you these days?"

    Hang Ning shook his head: "The contact information has been blocked by me."

    He Wenzhou Nodded, and said a few more words: "He should owe usury, and now he is helping a gangster to ask you out, anyway, be careful."

    Hang Ning nodded: "Okay, I understand."


    Afternoon, military base To carry out first aid training, in addition to soldiers needing to participate, civilian personnel such as Hang Ning also need to participate in the training.

    Hang Ning and Wen Liang came to the training camp.

    The military doctor who came to explain is a female Beta, with a beautiful appearance, tall legs and long legs, and a dashing and heroic posture, which is very eye-catching.

    Even Hang Ning couldn’t help staring at her all the time.

    Wen Liang was already familiar with the face at the military base, and knew a lot of gossip, and he also heard about the military doctor on the stage.

    Now I can't help but share with Hang Ning: "The military doctor on the stage should be Song Yi. I heard that the relationship with Admiral He is not simple."

    Hang Ning suddenly heard this statement, which was quite new, and couldn't help asking: "How do you Do you know?"

    Wen Liang: "I heard from the people at the military base that Song Yi was the department director of the Federal Central Hospital before, and it seems that he voluntarily applied to be transferred to the military base, and it is said that he was in pursuit of Admiral He."

    Hang Ning was even more surprised "Chasing him?"

    Such a beautiful woman actually chased after He Wenzhou?

    "Yeah, quite a few people in the military base think that the two of them are a good match, and they are very optimistic about this couple."

    What kind of AB relationship, even if it is real, is also a BO relationship, Hang Ning complained silently in his heart. It's a pity, how could He Wenzhou hold on to such a good beauty chasing after her?

    Hang Ning: "Then why didn't He Wenzhou agree?"

    Wen Liang: "I don't know, maybe it's because I don't like Beta, otherwise it's hard to explain at all."

    Hang Ning looked at the explanation platform, Song Yi fucked Yujie Voice, meticulously explaining and demonstrating CPR first aid. He Wenzhou was standing not far from Song Yi, and when he looked at it, he was a bit right.

    For some reason, Hang Ning's good mood suddenly became a little blocked, and he probably understood why He Wenzhou was hostile to Bai Jingshan.

    Maybe it's not jealousy, but it's something coveted by others, and it's really frustrating.

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