Chapter 32

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Chapter 32 Are you reluctant to part with He Wenzhou?

    In order to break this weird feeding, Hang Ning had nothing to say: "Have you unlocked the new type of time bomb?"

    "If you don't unlock it, is there still life in the hospital?"

    "It's amazing, I thought I was going to die for sure "Hang Ning couldn't help being startled when he thought of the despair at that time, "I didn't expect Liu Tianhu to have this, almost killed you."

    "No need to apologize, do you still remember saying sorry to me before you passed out? "He Wenzhou laughed and said: "My ears are callused."

    Hang Ning's face was hot, and his eyes dodged for a while, not daring to look at him. She silently spurned herself in her heart. Comfortable, shameful, and embarrassing, but... I really want to get close.

    Hang Ning shook her head, it must be the fault of pheromones, it must be the impulsiveness caused by the 99.9% genetic matching, which made her have a weird feeling for He Wenzhou.

    It must be so!

    "What are you thinking? Your ears are a little red." He Wenzhou's eyes fell on the tips of her ears, and he whispered.

    He Wenzhou's breath penetrated from Hang Ning's ear, bringing up a weak electric current, and half of his body was numb.

    Hang Ning pretended to be angry and glared at him.

    However, in He Wenzhou's eyes, this appearance became more and more charming, making people want to keep teasing her.

    This outrageous idea awakened He Wenzhou in an instant, he had such an intimate thought, and he was still facing Hang Ning.

    He Wenzhou raised his hand to cover his lips, and coughed lightly to cover up his embarrassment.

    Both of them were silent, only feeding.

    It was He Wenzhou who broke the silence first.

    "Did you hear any useful information over there?"

    This question opened Hang Ning's chatterbox, and she hurriedly said: "I can confirm that the person behind Liu Tianhu is Yu Hongsheng, and it is far more than Hongsheng, and also heard a bad thing, the group of people behind seems to be conducting some experiments , need to use a lot of Omege, of course Alpha also needs to be used, but the experiment cycle of Omega is longer."

    "Experiment?" He Wenzhou repeated lightly.

    Hang Ning nodded, and said again: "Do you still remember the news we saw in the restaurant before, the missing girl O, I have a bold guess, maybe she was captured by those people for experiments, but not I know what's going on now."

    "You guessed right." He Wenzhou called out today's police report to show Hang Ning, "She was killed, and her body was abnormal, and she was transplanted into the placenta."

    Hang Ning After reading the news, there was a burst of grief and indignation in his heart: "That group of people is lawless, it's too hateful!"

    "Why do you want to transplant the placenta and get pregnant?" Hang Ning analyzed intently: "If it's for pregnancy, why not transplant fertilization Eggs, direct surrogacy? Maybe it’s the body’s rejection reaction caused by the transplanted placenta, leading to the death of the other party.”

    He Wenzhou said: “It’s also possible that the mother of the placenta has died, but this placenta is extremely important. I don’t hesitate to go against science and find someone to continue to conceive. "

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