Chapter 2

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Chapter 2's impression of someone soars by 1 point! ...

    Amega, as the name suggests, is the combined name of Alpha and Omega. It is an insulting name given to her by He Wenzhou, mocking her for looking like an Omega, and losing the face of the Alpha group.

    Hang Ning was furious, but she couldn't really jump down in anger.

    When has she ever suffered from such a useless attitude, and she still slapped her face in front of her assistant.

    Hang Ning came to the cockpit, snorted heavily, and said stiffly: "First sent people to attack the aircraft, then destroyed my meeting materials, and now pretended to be a good person, Admiral He played a good trick." The

    man was indifferent It was rare to see her deflated, and she was quite happy in her heart, "I really don't understand what the envoy is talking about? He is also attacking aircraft and destroying meeting materials. Am I the kind of boring person? If I don't want to If your proposal is approved, you can exercise the He family's one-vote veto power." The

    He family is one of the four major families in the federation, and has one-vote veto power. Can't resist.

    "Showing off your power is a consistent style of people like you. It's really disgusting."

    "I'm the kind of person I am, and I ask the minister to advise me.

    " "Hang Ning continued: "Proud and conceited, conceited, playing with the weak Omega, full of bad deeds."

    Thinking of the lace news that he often appeared in the entertainment newspapers, Hang Ning couldn't help but spit.

    Wen Liang heard Hang Ning's accusations against He Wenzhou, and really wanted to speak up to defend General He. Some rumors in the market are false, and General He is not that bad.

    On the contrary, Admiral He defended his family and defended the country, he made great military achievements at a young age, and he was definitely not a dandy like the children of ordinary big families.

    Minister Hang Ning has always been very gentle and tolerant. Why is he so aggressive towards Admiral He? Maybe this is the magic power of his deadly enemy?

    "It seems that the Minister has a lot of opinions on me, and he still condescends to board my aircraft. I don't know whether it is a big heart or a thick-skinned."

    Hang Ning was choked: "You think I think? Not everyone can be shameless Occupying federal resources, owning such a large private aircraft."

    "I seem to smell a sour smell." He Wenzhou smiled, and clicked his tongue twice, "Minister Minister works hard, and he will soon be able to afford a private aircraft. "


    Hang Ning was about to curse back angrily, but a burst of communicator ringing interrupted her.

    "The Big Data Matching Center would like to remind you, please fill in your interest expression form at the end of this month, and the Big Data Matching System will match you with the most suitable partner. I wish you a happy life!"

    "Fuck!" He Wenzhou almost smashed it The communicator, his handsome face twisted slightly.

    What the hell to remind, don't remind him sooner, don't remind him later, but remind him at this time, are you deliberately against him? !

    Hang Ning couldn't help laughing and said: "I didn't expect that Admiral He is still single. I don't know which unlucky and sad Omega will be matched with you this time. I hope the last tragedy will not happen again.

The enemy is actually Omega [Female A Male O]Where stories live. Discover now