Chapter 37

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Chapter 37 Just Let Me Walk With You

    He Wenzhou rushed back to the military base in a hurry, and made several calls to Hang Ning on the way.

    None of them got through.

    Could it be that he was caught by the Zhao family?

    The more He Wenzhou thought about it, the more panicked he became, and he drove the aircraft to the maximum speed, wishing he could fly to the military base in the blink of an eye.

    After He Wenzhou arrived at the military base, he hurriedly asked He Quansi to find out the situation.

    "When did you find out she was missing?"

    He Quansi replied: "Three days ago, Minister Hang Ning went out to the military base and never came back."

    "Why did you go out? Did anyone follow? I didn't tell you, Can't she be allowed to leave the military base without reason?"

    "But at that time, Minister Hang Ning insisted on going out, as if he had something very important to deal with, and Minister Hang Ning went out alone."

    He Quansi thought for a while and added: "And At that time, Minister Hangning’s emotional state was not right, her eyes were red, and she looked as if she had cried.”

    “Do you know the route of her activities after she went out?”

    “Judging from the trajectory of the working chip, Minister Hangning went first. The hospital, and then went to the funeral parlor, and after that, the chip was forcibly cut off, so it couldn’t be sensed anymore.” The

    hospital, the funeral parlor...

    the more I heard about these places, the more weird they felt, and each place was closely related to death.

    Why did she go to those places? Is there something wrong with her own body, or someone else?

    He Wenzhou stopped his wild guesses, and said to his assistant, "Follow me to the hospital first to understand the situation."


    When he came to the hospital, He Wenzhou went directly to the hospital's leader.

    "I want to ask why Hang Ning came to your court three days ago?" The

    vice president hurriedly asked: "Hang Ning? Is it the Minister Hang Ning of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs?"

    "Well, I'm seconded to the military base now, and I need to know about her situation." The vice president didn't dare to neglect He Wenzhou, and hurriedly asked his subordinates to check: "Go and see the medical records     of

    Minister Hang Ning three days ago."

The assistant checked the hospital's medical treatment system, and there was no medical treatment record about Hang Ning at all three days ago. He replied: "There was no medical treatment record published by Hang Ning three days ago, not even a registration record or an appointment record."

    He Wenzhou listened After arriving, he breathed a sigh of relief. It seems that it was not Hang Ning who was seriously ill and died, but someone else.

    He said again: "Then trouble you to check if there are any family members and friends in Hang Ning who are hospitalized in your hospital. It is best to pass away three days ago."

    The assistant searched again, and soon found a person who matched He Wenzhou's description patient.

    "Is it Ms. Sheng Qian? She passed away three days ago, and the previous hospitalization fee was paid by Minister Hang Ning."

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