Chapter 20

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Chapter 20 Congratulations to the two for successfully matching!

    He Wenzhou's memories came to the garden restaurant of the Commercial Building. He and Wei Mingzhe got together to celebrate his few remaining single days.     " Congratulations

    brother, today is your last day of being single. Tomorrow you will go to the marriage center to find a wife.     " The name is outside, but in fact there is no woman around, and he ends up being assigned by the government."     He Wenzhou muffled: "Not interested."     "Is it really not interested, or do you already have someone in your heart?"     " I stay at the military base every day, who can I have in my heart?"     "I don't believe it, think again. I heard that Hang Ning has been transferred to your military base. Such a beautiful woman, you don't have any thoughts in your heart?"     "I didn't get along with her like that, and it's not like you don't know."     "Although that's being said, I think you two are very compatible. Standing together reminds me of an adjective, a man and a woman." Wei Mingzhe joked: "Hang Doesn't Ning's appearance fit your usual taste? It's a pity, she is an Alpha, if she is an Omega, I really think the two of you can make it."     Wei Mingzhe said again: "Your old man has been sober for so many years. Don't you have any idea about marking? The pleasure of pheromone fusion is more exciting than sex|intercourse."     Marking? He Wenzhou's thoughts suddenly came to that night.     He once had a temporary tag with a strange female Alpha.     That pleasant feeling is still fresh in his memory.     That night, his previous match contacted him, swearing that he was pregnant.     He Wenzhou thought it was ridiculous, after all, it was impossible for one Omega to make another Omega's stomach bigger.

    But the woman pressed her with her life and insisted on seeing him. He could only go to see what tricks she was playing, whether she was going to ask him for money again.

    Who knew, that woman would actually give herself a strong estrus inducer.

    With the last bit of clear consciousness, he reopened a room, sent He Quansi location information, and asked him to pick him up quickly with a custom-made inhibitor.

    In the room, he suppressed the surging desire in his heart, feeling that his body was about to explode.

    The forced estrus induction was more painful than the natural estrus, and he wished he could tear that Omega apart.

    But at this moment, a drunken strange woman broke in.

    He only remembered that the woman's body was very delicate and soft, leaning on him was weak and boneless, but her hands and feet were very dishonest, and she kept making trouble on him.

    This kind of low-level seduction made his proud self-control collapse on the spot, and he held the woman's slender waist to prevent her from leaving.

    Not only that, he also bowed his head and begged the woman to bite the back of his neck.

    One night of absurdity.

    When he regained consciousness, he had already been taken away by his assistant, and he couldn't even remember the woman's voice and smile.

    I can only remember the faint sweetness of milk, but I didn't expect the pheromone taste of Alpha to be like a baby's milk.

    He also went back to look for the woman that night, but there was no clue at all, and this shameful and secret past was just like that.

    It's the new year's big data marriage period, and he even has a slight expectation to meet the female Alpha that night. If the Alpha assigned is her, it's not too bad.

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