Chapter 25

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Chapter 25 I choose to accept it all

    Hang Ning tensed up, and cold sweat broke out on his back: "Ambassador Bai be careful."

    "I'm sorry, you said you didn't want to go to the marriage center, and even proposed to work in Weixing, but I rejected it. I didn't expect that now But let you fall into the abyss, I regret it, Hang Ning, tell me honestly, do you want to invalidate this matching relationship, as long as you ask, I will do it for you, even if it violates discipline."

    Hang Ning Her heart was up and down, her mouth opened and closed, and she couldn't utter a complete sentence, "I, I, I don't know..."

    She never thought that there would be such a moment, that Bai Jingshan would actually be there when all the dust settled. , and asked her if she wanted to overthrow all this.

    With a "bang", there was a muffled sound in the office, and He Wenzhou slapped the table hard.

    Hang Ning came back to his senses in shock.

    Under his watchful eyes, love each other, gossip, pretend that he is dead?

    Even if he was 10,000 times unwilling to match with Hang Ning, but he was even more angry when he was described as an abyss.

    He Wenzhou suppressed his anger, frowned, and suppressed the sharpness in his eyes. He leaned back on the seat, crossed his hands casually, and said in a leisurely manner: "Ambassador Bai will not come sooner or later. I have already got the After the marriage certificate, you came out, what are you worried about?"

    Bai Jingshan was very calm, unable to see his true emotions, years of diplomatic work experience had already made him keep his emotions indifferent.

    He said neither humble nor overbearing: "I am Hang Ning's elder, and I have the right to intervene in her marriage."

    He Wenzhou sneered, and said contemptuously: "What did you do long ago, what's the point of being fake now."

    Bai Jingshan looked at Hang Ning: "I only listen to your answer."

    Hang Ning has never felt that making a decision is such a difficult thing to do, she is obviously not an indecisive person. It is easy to overthrow everything now, but after that, what kind of face will she face Bai Jingshan.

    She had a hunch that as long as she agreed, Bai Jingshan would definitely take her out of the military base, and would open the window paper, forcing her to face his will.

    This is too difficult, she has the confidence to deal with He Wenzhou until the day the relationship is terminated, but she is not sure about Bai Jingshan at all, even... she is afraid of him.

    Hang Ning's hand was clenched into a fist, and her nails squeezed her palm. The slight pain kept her awake.

    She breathed a long sigh of relief, looked up at Bai Jingshan, and said firmly: "I'm sorry, I choose to accept all this."

    He Wenzhou snorted triumphantly: "Ambassador Bai, her answer is clear enough, right? You can go."

    Bai Jingshan: "Aren't you more willing to face me than to get along with him? Are you afraid of me or your heart?"

    "Don't put gold on your face, she Will you leave me alone and want you as a divorced person?" He Wenzhou was somehow aroused with the desire for monopoly, even though it was an object he had never imagined.

    Seeing that He Wenzhou was about to quarrel with Bai Jingshan, Hang Ning turned his back directly: "Ambassador Bai, you should leave, you know that I am not a hasty person, and the decision I made will not be changed at will. The decision made today I will bear all the consequences of the choice, and I will never regret it."

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