Chapter 24

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Chapter 24 I thank you very much for the poor.

    At night, Hang Ning tossed and turned and couldn't sleep. He didn't know if it was a new bedroom suddenly, or everything that happened today was just too absurd.

    If you make a summary of Hang Ning's 20 years, today is the most outrageous.

    I thought big data matching was a small hurdle, but I didn't expect it to become a mountain that shocked her with thunder.

    Hang Ning was full of thoughts, and she wanted to talk, but she couldn't find anyone to talk to for a while, not Bai Jingshan, not He Wenzhou, not even Ai Di.

    At this moment, she suddenly thought of the daytime here.

    During the day, He Wenzhou also contacted "here in the daytime" to help delete the video, which is really a strange fate.

    When Hang Ning clicked on Pick, he felt like he was secretly a thief. He had already become He Wenzhou's nominal other half, at least for this year, but now he secretly contacted his good friend, and he was really afraid of cheating disturbed.

    Honey: [The matching is over, it seems like a dream. ]

    Honey: [Do you think I should delete you? ]

    During the day here: [How was the result? ]

    Honey: [Unbelievable, unimaginable, unheard of, shocking...]

    During the daytime: [Really, my friend is also like this. ]

    Honey: [He Wenzhou? ]

    During the daytime here: [Yes. 】

    Honey: 【Did he tell you who he matched with? ]

    During the daytime here: [No, friends are private, so it's not easy to inquire. ]

    Honey: [If he and Hang Ning match up, what would you think? ] During the

    day here: [...]

    He Wenzhou remembered that Wei Mingzhe told him that he thought He Wenzhou and Hang Ning were talented and beautiful, so he replied——

    During the day here: [I think it fits well. ]

    Honey: [? 】

    Honey: 【Please, your friend hates Hang Ning, okay? ]

    Bai Tian: [No, your illusion. ]

    Honey: [You don't understand, he certainly won't tell you how much he hates a woman. 】

    He Wenzhou laughed, can he not understand if he hates a person?

    During the day here: [He said that Hang Ning hated him very much, he was very puzzled. ]

    Honey: [? 】

    Here, during the daytime: 【You think so too, right? ]

    Honey: [Well, it was true before, but now it's not so annoying. 】

    Hang Ning settled down to think for a while. In the past, she subjectively believed all the bad rumors about He Wenzhou, thinking that he had corrupt morals and low character. But now it seems that he has a bit of a vicious tongue and a bit of a bad temper, but there is nothing particularly wrong with him. The good part, on the contrary... is quite reassuring.

    Maybe it's because of the outrageous combat effectiveness.

    During the day here: [Since this is the case, let's stop assuming that they hate each other very much. ]

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