Chapter 16

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Chapter 16 Are you scared to death just now?

    Hang Ning was caught off guard by Mandel's arms, his scalp was numb and his hairs stood on end.

    She stared at the military division, she really didn't know what this man said to Mandel just now, but he suddenly rushed forward with audacity.

    Sure enough, this person is a ruthless character that should not be underestimated, and Hang Ning regrets that he underestimated the enemy just now.

    The negotiating field is like a battle situation, which is changing rapidly. He still had an advantage just now, but now he has made a 180-degree turn. Hang Ning's situation is extremely dangerous.

    Hang Ning resisted the physical discomfort of being held by Mandel, forced himself to calm down, mobilized his brain, and quickly analyzed the situation.

    All the people in the cabin were Mandel's people, not to mention that the strategist was still staring at her intently. If he made a rash move at this time, it would be difficult to really hurt Mandel.

    It is necessary to find a private environment, only she and Mandel, and then kill with one blow.

    After Mandel hugged her, his hands kept being dishonest, groping around Hang Ning. Instead of turning his face directly, Hang Ning had to endure the discomfort and deal with him.

    She moaned and pushed Mandel, and said softly, "What are you doing, I hate it~"

    Mandel's heart almost melted when he heard that, and he hurriedly stepped forward to kiss her face.

    Hang Ning turned his face away, dodged, blushed, and said shyly: "Don't be here."

    Mandel wanted to refuse to welcome the most beautiful woman, and immediately laughed loudly. walk in the rest cabin.

    Hang Ning patted his chest lightly, like a kitten scratching an itch, and said softly: "Tell them to stay away, I don't want them to hear my voice."

    Mandel hehe: "Baby I can only hear the sound of the bed, how can they have such a blessing.”

    At the moment of entering the rest cabin, Mandel turned around and yelled at the soldiers in the battleship: “You all stay away from me! Don’t come in to disturb I do good work!"

    After hearing this, the soldiers retreated silently.

    After entering the rest cabin, Mandel threw Hang Ning onto the bed and pressed him directly.

    Hang Ning changed his expression at this time, and his shy face just now became extraordinarily indifferent.

    She no longer suppressed her true strength, looked at Mandel fiercely, and said indifferently: "Die." The

    overwhelming Alpha pheromone energy suppressed Mandel.

    Mandel turned pale with fright, he never imagined that the best O he had set his sights on was actually an Alpha!

    Mandel's pheromone level belongs to A level, and there is a huge gap between Hang Ning's double S level. He can't resist Hang Ning's pheromone attack at all. He wants to call for help, but there is no sound in his throat.

    In order to quickly take Mandel's life, Hang Ning made the pheromone energy the most powerful when it comes up. At this time, the internal organs in Mandel's body have been crushed by Hang Ning's pheromone, and he is spitting out blood in his mouth, struggling to die .     Mandel touched the emergency button in his pocket at the last moment, and was about to press it, but unexpectedly, Hang Ning quickly kicked his hands away, pulled out the button from his pocket, and directly demolished it.     Mandel's last chance to survive was ruthlessly cut off by Hang Ning. His eyes widened, the fat on his face twitched and twisted constantly, his lips opened and closed, and he always had an incredible expression before he died.     After confirming that he was completely dead, Hang Ning gradually absorbed the pheromone energy.     "It deserves it!" she cursed lightly.     Hang Ning wrapped Mandel's body with the quilt on the bed to prevent the smell of blood from leaking out prematurely, and she would have to drag it on for a while.     Hang Ning was afraid that the suspicious and suspicious military division who was difficult to deal with would listen to the foot of the bed outside, so he called a few times in a tactful way to increase credibility.     Half an hour later, the battleship shook violently, as if it had been hit by a shell.     Hang Ning was overjoyed, did He Wenzhou bring his troops back?

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