Chapter 15

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Chapter 15 Becoming the General's Woman First and Never Going Back...

    Mandel stared at Hang Ning covetously, and witnessed her walk from the military base to the territory they occupied.

    Mandel had already landed the battleship, opened the hatch, and greeted this charming and beautiful diplomat.

    He has always loved beauty, and after seeing beauties with various postures, it becomes more and more difficult for a woman to catch his eyes, but today, after a glimpse on the battlefield, this beautiful figure has just settled in him In his heart, he poked at his atrium like a feather, making him itchy.

    Such a fresh and refined product is really a rare Omega, and Mandel ignited a long-lost desire to conquer.

    Looking at Mandel's bright obscene eyes, Hang Ning felt chest tightness, shortness of breath, and nausea.

    It turns out that generals like He Wenzhou's looks are rare.

    The moment Hang Ning boarded the cabin, Mandel stretched out his hand to support her waist, clearly wanting to take advantage of her, but Hang Ning cleverly avoided it.

    Hang Ning came to the command room and sat at the negotiating table.

    Mandel sat across from her, staring straight at her. The first sentence was not about the negotiation, but about Hang Ning's privacy: "How old are you this year? Have you been marked by Alpha?"

    Hang Ning looked professional With a smirk, she replied: "I'm 28 this year, and I haven't been marked before."

    If someone dared to be so rude, she would have thrown him over with a blast of pheromone energy, but at this time, she could only pretend and pray as much as possible. Some nonsense questions and answers, thus delaying time.

    When Mandel heard her age, he clicked his tongue softly: "You look no different from an 18-year-old girl. You haven't been marked for so many years, which proves that you are very clean and a clean girl."

    Hang Ning said Just kidding, this just proves that I'm not an Omega at all, so I can't be marked.

    Mandel asked tirelessly again: "Then have you ever been in love? Why did you choose to be a diplomat?"

    Hang Ning shook his head: "I've never been in a relationship. As for being a diplomat, it's a long story. It was mainly because I was inspired by a diplomat when I was a child that I chose diplomacy as my life's career."

    Mandel obviously liked The latter question was not of much interest. When he heard that Hang Ning had never been in a relationship, his eyes lit up with satisfaction, and he continued to ask: "Then what do you like..."     Before he finished speaking, the military adviser next to Mandel, a The thin, tall, middle-aged man with glasses patted his arm, and reminded in a low voice: "Marshal, let's talk about the business first."     Hang Ning was a little disappointed, and she wanted this lecherous officer to ask more questions to delay time .     Mandel glared at the military commander displeased, and reprimanded: "Hang Ning's beauty is on our battleship now, and she can negotiate at any time. Are you afraid that He Wenzhou will not be able to call at such a short time?" The     military teacher knows the general's temper well.     Bingxing immediately changed his words and whispered in Mandel's ear: "When the negotiation ends earlier, Marshal, you will be able to make out with Miss Hang Ning earlier." Okay, he hurriedly said: "Then let's start signing the mining area transfer agreement now."     Seeing that the topic was on the right track, Hang Ning took out the wording he had prepared before: "It's urgent, we can't do it in such a short time Just draft a transfer agreement, so it can only be edited on the spot, and signed by both parties after verification."     Mandel looked at the military adviser and asked him to make up his mind.     The military adviser thought for a moment, and felt that what she said was true. The proposal to transfer the mining area was indeed a temporary idea. Naturally, it was impossible to come up with the transfer agreement on the spot. Premeditated, impure purpose.     The military adviser said: "In this case, we should draft the agreement."     Hang Ning raised an objection: "The agreement should be written by both parties, which is more reasonable.     " Just sign it directly." The military division denied.

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