Chapter 42

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Chapter 42 Exposure of genetic modification experiments

    After the Zhao family expressed their willingness to accept the investigation, netizens began to look forward to the progress of the investigation excitedly.

    He Wenzhou is well versed in the essence of tantalizing people. Whenever netizens yelled for him to send newsletter investigation progress, He Wenzhou remained unmoved and kept ignoring it. When netizens got impatient and started clamoring , He Wenzhou will miss out some exciting chat content, satisfying the voyeuristic desire of netizens.

    After several back and forth, more and more netizens paid attention to this matter, and their attention became more and more sticky. Many people basically stayed on He Wenzhou's homepage all day long, lest they miss his post.

    Even, every time He Wenzhou sends out a chat record, netizens will dig out some photos of the two in the same frame or traces of interaction based on the depth of the chat.

    Even a lot of unknown revelations began to rise, some were true and some were false, sometimes they were real hammers, and sometimes they were reversed, so it was very lively.

    The younger generations of the big family have a lot of sex news, and He Wenzhou casually released a paragraph or two, which is enough for netizens to discuss for a long time.

    At the moment, Zhao Zhecheng's heart was in a state of disquiet and he couldn't find peace. He didn't care about announcing any scandals between him and a beautiful woman, he was afraid that He Wenzhou would find any clues about his genetic modification.

    On weekdays, he is very cautious in his contacts with the responsible persons of all parties, and he is careful everywhere. It stands to reason that there will be no major mistakes... But

    this hanging heart seems to be held by an invisible hand, lest something will happen. Watch out for being crushed violently.

    He Wenzhou posted a hot chat record between Zhao Zhecheng and a tender model.

    Seeing that it belonged to the category of sex entertainment, Zhao Zhecheng heaved a sigh of relief and didn't take it too seriously.

    At first, everyone was not surprised by this, after all, there were other stories about other wealthy children's group P before, chatting with young models is really common, and it can't arouse the curiosity of netizens.

    Unexpectedly, someone picked up Zhao Zhecheng's other contacts with the young model soon, and among some large-scale interactive photos, there was a photo of Zhao Zhecheng eating with the young model. There are prominent figures in the world.

    This once again aroused the enthusiasm of netizens. After all, some time ago, we focused on rectifying the phenomenon of government-business collusion. Now this photo makes people want to discuss. These people eat together and bring beautiful women to accompany them. It is not serious at first glance. dinner.

    Netizens who are well-informed and good at skinning quickly marked everyone on the picture.

    Among them, the person closest to and closest to Zhao Zhecheng is Yu Hongsheng.

    Yu Hongsheng's bizarre death has always been a hot topic of discussion among many people, and the murderer has been speculated wildly by people. Originally, the popularity has subsided a little during this period, but this photo has pushed Yu Hongsheng back into the public's field of vision .

    [Zhao Zhecheng has such a close relationship with Yu Hongsheng. If it weren't for this picture, I would have thought that the two of them didn't know each other at all]

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