Chapter 40

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Chapter 40

    About two hours later, the police's investigation on Bian Yan came to fruition.

    They summoned Bian Yan again.

    "Here are a few questions that I need to confirm with you again. I hope you can answer them honestly." After the interrogator finished speaking, he looked at the woman in front of him seriously.

    Bian Yan's whole state was quite different from just now, like a deflated balloon, dazed, with the last trace of dying struggle left in her eyes.

    Guilty, decadent, and self-defeating, these traits hidden under the outside are seen through by experienced interrogators at a glance.

    He quietly observed Bian Yan's every move.

    Interrogator: "We just checked the bathroom outside the court. During the time you were out, there was no trace of use, and there were no fresh footprints on the ground. How would you explain it?"

    "Oh, yes, I really want to I forgot." Bian Yan couldn't answer, so she could only pretend to be crazy, "I guess I didn't go..."

    "Have I been there?"

    "I remember wrong, I remember wrong." Bian Yan shook her head, fingers tightly Grabbing the hem of the clothes, the fingertips were so hard that they turned white.

    The interrogator scribbled a line of words, and then asked: "Also, the time from entering the back kitchen to exiting is nearly 20 minutes, which is far longer than the time to pour a glass of water when you are thirsty. How do you explain it?" "

    Water...a cup..." Bian Yan frowned in pain, and after thinking hard, said, "It took too long to find a cup." The

    interrogator patted the table: "You are just messing around, and what you say is half-baked ." I don't even have any credibility, say, did you inject the poison?"

    "I didn't! I didn't!" Bian Yan became emotional suddenly, screaming that she didn't.

    The interrogator looked serious, and said in a solemn and forceful voice: "You are now the number one suspect in this case, come with us back to the police station."

    "I'm not going, I'm not going." Bian Yan scratched her head and howled, "You have no evidence, why arrest me? I didn't poison you. Who saw it?" The

    interrogator narrowed his eyes slightly. , bluntly said: "Your testimony is upside down and full of lies, so don't blame the police for locking you."

    Bian Yan lost control of her emotions completely, and escaped from the temporary interrogation room while the interrogator was not paying attention, screaming and ran to the room to lock herself up .

    The people in the hall were shocked when they saw the sudden farce, and no one dared to stop her.

    After Hang Ning came out of the interrogation room, he stood silently beside He Wenzhou. When he saw Bian Yan escaped a little madly, he knew that she had poor psychological endurance and refused to admit it when she was exposed. She could only pretend to escape punishment.

    Ridiculously naive, crazy, how could she look like a dignified lady at ordinary times.

    This opponent's combat power was worse than she imagined, but it was such a person who beat Sheng Qian...

    Hang Ning felt a surge of emotion, raised his head in pain and closed his eyes to suppress his grief. After he calmed down, he said: "Looking at her like that, basically you can't go wrong."

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