Chapter 4

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Chapter 4 definitely treats him as a pervert!

    He Wenzhou returned to the military base while his father was asleep.

    Before going to bed, his father specially emphasized that he should stay for the weekend, saying that this weekend, his cousin Bian Yan's company is on vacation, and his younger sister He Tongtong's university is on vacation, so everyone just got together for a reunion dinner.

    After all, it is rare to get together several times a year.

    It's a pity that this family, He Wenzhou, couldn't stay for a day, and slipped away overnight.

    The next day, He Wenzhou gave his assistant He Quansi an urgent task.

    Be sure to find him a female Omega with simple social relations, a clean identity background, and who can be bought with money.

    He wants to take her to the marriage registration office to register, and cheat the big data marriage center through a fake marriage.

    As long as you end being single during this period, you don't have to be forced to match someone.

    Even if he fills out and submits the expression of interest, he won't sit still.

    The assistant acted quickly, and in the afternoon, a female college student Omega, whose relatives were suddenly seriously ill and in urgent need of money, was found.

    "Can you really pay me one million interstellar coins at once? My father is still lying on the hospital bed waiting for medical expenses." The female O who was brought here had a mediocre appearance, a submissive temper, and tears on her face. .

    He Wenzhou frowned, and directly signed a one million check to her: "Remember, after registering your marriage with me, leave immediately with the money, and don't contact me again, don't interfere in my life, and don't leave anything behind. This matter is rumored, you know, I have the ability to make your family disappear without anyone noticing."

    "I understand, I will never talk nonsense." The girl heard the warning in the words and nodded vigorously.

    He Wenzhou glanced at her, and rushed her to the marriage registration office at lightning speed.

    "Marriage registration." After entering the automatic sensor door, He Wenzhou spoke briefly.

    The staff of the Marriage Registry Office suddenly saw the man of the universe, Admiral He, bringing a girl of mediocre qualifications here, and his jaw dropped in shock.

    Adhering to the basic professionalism, the staff did not talk too much, and responded impartially: "Please show the back of your neck, let us check the permanent mark."

    He Wenzhou put his hand on his chin and coughed lightly, with a cold face : "There is no mark."

    Damn it, why is it so troublesome to get married, and it still needs a permanent mark.

    "It doesn't matter, if there are three temporary marks within half a year, it's okay."

    After all, there are also many couples who pay attention to the sense of ceremony in Interstellar, hoping to save the permanent marks until the wedding night.

    He Wenzhou's face became even more stinky: "Not at all."

    "This..." The staff faced a dilemma: "Our marriage registration office only accepts these two situations for marriage registration."

    "Whether you mark it or not is none of your business?"

    " But this is the law, we are just ordinary civil servants, we can only act according to the regulations." The staff was trembling, for fear that if they accidentally offended Admiral He and lost his job.

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