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My name is Elena Wood-Curse and together with my husband Morgan and my eight kids Jacob Nikolaus, Jason Hayley, Hannah Eleonora Third, Gabriel Sebastian Erik, Dylan, Emma, Emily and Charlie Benjamina we finally had our happy vacation without any villains, missions, and another problem.

We were staying in a small town, where there was a fortress built around high hills and rocks. Morgan, along with Jacob, Jason, Hannah, Gabriel, and Dylan, were ahead near a huge rock where they photographed themselves while I was further away with Emma and Emily, who found it a little difficult to climb the stairs. Charlie was on my chest with the help of a baby kangaroo, staring around.

I helped Emma and Emily to climb, and we went to the others. Gabriel had climbed to the top of the stone and posed triumphantly as Morgan photographed him laughing. Jacob and Jason climbed on either side of him and lifted him into their arms. I was afraid they would fall, but this stone was wide enough for the three of them. Meanwhile, our dog Bella was sniffing around looking from time to time for us where we are.

- Get out of there before you all fall. – I said.

- Mom. - Gabriel sobbed - It's safe here.

- Come on, Prankster, get down. - Hannah called after him, grinning.

Jacob and Jason jumped off the cliff and smiled innocently at me as I looked at them with my motherly gaze. Gabriel came down more carefully. Dylan, Emma, and Emily went up with our help so they wouldn't stay away from their brothers. Hannah did not want to climb. When all the children were on the ground, they ran to a small hut made for relaxation.

- How do you manage to keep up with kids' energy? - I asked Morgan, and he smiled at me.

- I'm not carrying the baby. - he replied and stroked Charlie, making her smile.

I ruffled his hair and he frowned instantly. He had put on little longer bangs and now it falls in a very nice place on one side. His hair was even bleached in locks and I liked it. He grabbed me, stopping me just before I entered the hut where the children were, and kissed me. I moaned slightly under the kiss and felt him smile. He parted and intertwined our fingers.

- I love you, but I don't like you messing up my hair. - he muttered.

- I love you too and that's why I do it. - I replied, winking at him, and going inside.

Inside the hut, we got a little rest. After all, we climbed almost all the easy parts of the hill. I think we would get a little more and stop there. To climb with eight kids, four of them under 5 years old is risky. It was even risky with the older ones. Morgan could climb higher, and we could watch him from downstairs. The kids finally settle down to take a rest and I can see they were tired. I was sure they will take a quick nap when we go home. Bella entered the hut too and lay down sticking her tongue tired too.

- Are we going to climb any further? - Gabriel asked clapping his hands adventurously.

- I don't think. It gets a lot steeper upstairs and I can say that it will be difficult for your father, not to mention you. - I answered.

- And what's on top? - Jacob wondered.

- Something like a sheer cliff from which you can see the city. It will be quite difficult to go there just to see. - Morgan said and looked at the children - It's going to be easy to climb, but it's going to be a lot more dangerous when we climb down.

- So, we are not going, but can we have pizza for dinner? - Jason asked.

- We had pizza for lunch. I don't think we have to have pizza again. – I asked and all the children pouted - How about spaghetti?

- Yahoo, spaghetti. - Dylan jumped happily, dancing a happy dance.

We all laughed at his reaction and after standing here for a while, we went downstairs. We got in the car, and after each child was in his seat with a seat belt or a baby seat for Emma, Emily, and Charlie, Morgan drove off. I saw from my rear view that Bella was looking outside and I opened the back window, whereupon she immediately stuck out her head, sticking out her tongue.

We reached the gated complex where we were staying. It was a large area with several houses that were fenced and they had their yards. The houses even had their pools and I liked it here. The children also like it because they could ride bicycles, scooters and skateboards safely.

We arrived at our house and Morgan parked the car.

- Hey, family. – our neighbour Agatha greeted us while coming to us.

- Hello, Agatha. – Jacob, Jason, Hannah, Gabriel, and Dylan greeted while Emma and Emily waved saying:

- Hi.

- Do you like the hill? – Agatha asked.

- It was amazing and thanks. – Morgan answered and whispered so the kids can't hear – I think you helped us exhaust our kids.

Agatha laughed. She was around 60 years old with brown hair on which there started to appear white clumps and she was a very funny kind old lady ready to help. She even watched the kids when I and Morgan wanted to be alone, and the kids liked her.

- Pleasure to help. – she winked at Morgan and looked at the kids – Bye, Team Trouble. Be good.

Everyone in the gated complex referred to our kids like this because they may have made a few little pranks and since they heard us calling them like that, this was something like their nickname.

We went inside the house, and I was right. Ten minutes after the kids get dressed, they have fallen asleep. Jacob and Jason had their room with double beds, and everything was double i.e., they had two desks, two wardrobes and so on. Hannah was alone in her room because she wanted to be independent. Gabriel and Dylan shared a room, and the room was just like with their older brothers, but they had separated singles bed. Emma, Emily, and Charlie slept together. I think they liked it because Charlie didn't want to be alone and Emma and especially Emily were very caring and always entered our room to wake us if we didn't hear Charlie crying.

I sat on the sofa where Morgan was with Bella lying next to him with her head on his lap.

- I think soon we will have new members of the family. – I said stroking the dog as she licked my hand.

She was already 63 days pregnant, and we expected the puppies to be born very soon. We decided not to check how many puppies she would give birth to because we wanted it to be a surprise for all of us.

- Eight kids, one dog and puppies. How are we going to deal with all this? - Morgan laughed.

- As usual. - I thought and stroked his cheek - Aren't you rich?

- I am rich, but money does not grow on trees. - Morgan replied.

Since we went on vacation and left the spy business, Morgan and I decided to return to our business company dealing with trading, buying, and selling products online that we had set up as a cover during those years and made a lot of money. We probably already had 1 billion.

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