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On the next day, we come back to our home finally deciding to get back to the spy life. The trip seemed longer, now with nine kids, but nothing that I and Morgan can't achieve.

Agatha decided to come with us, but she still didn't mention who are the other spies from the so-called "Old generation".

In a home, it was louder than before, but I liked it when you have two infants, two toddlers, one preschool and four school-age kids. Not to mention that we have a dog and puppies who are now fully open their eyes and were walking. When the puppies were fully grown despite our kids' resistance, we would sell the puppies because we couldn't watch all of them.

During all this, we tried to locate Peter but there was no sight of him or his mysterious saver. However, we do find that one of Peter's assistants will participate in "Music idols and talents", where people participate to show their talents in dancing, playing an instrument, singing or all of them. That was our chance, and we went on the auditioning presenting ourselves as young married couple wanting to show what true love is.

I sat in the waiting room next to Morgan and was looking at the participants. One of them was an assistant of Peter who wanted to sabotage everyone so he can win.

- Who do you think he is? – I whispered and looked at my husband.

- I don't know. – Morgan whispered back looking around – Everyone is a possible candidate for a mass crazy sabotaging person.

I laughed slightly at what he said, and I looked back at the people. Many talented people can be the person we search for. I took a deep breath as the next person walked to the doors and I looked at my number. I and Morgan were next. I looked back at Morgan and he smiled encouragingly.

- Elena, we just have to win the jury and we are going to the semi-final. Then our person will strike. - Morgan explained and took my hand - If there is something look at me and I will give you a boost.

- Morgan and Elena Curse. - one man yelled.

We followed him and we walked just behind the scene. There the host smiled and said:

- Young boyfriend and girlfriend. I liked it.

- Actually, we are married. - Morgan corrected the man.

- Good luck. - the host smiled once again.

I nodded shyly and I followed Morgan to the stage, where I can see the three juries and the audience. The woman on the jury smiled sincerely and asked:

- Who are you, young couple?

- My name is Morgan, and this is my wife, Elena. - Morgan introduced us.

- Oh, you're married. We are expecting a love song. - exclaimed one of the men on the jury.

- Yes, written by us. - I spoke for the first time.

- The stage is yours. - the other man said, pointing.

Morgan picked up the prepared guitar and tuned it before looking at me, standing by the second microphone.

I nodded that I was ready, and Morgan started playing the guitar and singing.


There will never be anyone like me

No one will ever love you, no

I love, I love to love you, yes

You see, I love to love you, you see

And everything you do gets me feeling like this

Girl, you got me so in love, got me so in love with ya, girl

If your love is strong like mine

All my love all mine, all my love all mine, all my love all mine


Ooh this is love, my love

With my love, oh my love

I could listen to him sing for hours, but it was my time to start to sing.


They still look you up when they need love

The motor skills are high, love, love, love

High, love, love, love

And I know the love that runs deep in my heart

Just love me like you love me

Nobody loves me, nobody loves me like you

It was all in love

It was all in love

I took the microphone and went closer to Morgan, who was watching me with eyes full of love hearts. He even had a sweet smile.

Me and Morgan together:

Always be my love forever always

Always be my love forever


They still look you up when they need love

The motor skills are high, love, love, love

High, love, love, love

And I know the love that runs deep in my heart


Ah, I love it, darling, just as you are

Eh, I love it, darling, just as you are


Just love me like you love me

Nobody loves me, nobody loves me like you

It was all in love

It was all in love


Just love me like you love me

Nobody loves me, nobody loves me like you

It was all in love

It was all in love

Morgan played the last tune and everyone applauded as we finished. Even the jury did it and I realized where I was.

- You are so perfect, you merge. - said the woman dreamily.

- You were wonderful. You have experienced many things together and love each other despite everything. - explained the second jury - You have a "Yes" from me.

- Thanks. - I said, smiling.

- And I think you are for each other and you are perfect at singing. - explained the third jury - And you have a "Yes" from me too.

- I agree with what the others said. Your tones combine amazingly and I think you will be able to win. - said the jury woman, rising from her chair - The only thing I can do is do this.

She hit the gold button and gold confetti fell from above us. That meant we were going straight to the finals, and I jumped into Morgan's arms happily. He kissed me and we both went behind the scenes to the other participants who greeted us. Only one man playing the piano did not and even envied.

I noticed him immediately and pointed to Morgan, who nodded as well. Our plan worked better than we expected and we already had suspected participants. 

Beyond All Undying loveWhere stories live. Discover now