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I tickled Morgan's neck making him laugh slightly. I knew he was ticklish. We were in the bar where the meeting will be. Our target had not yet come, but he would be here soon.

Both I and Morgan had discussed ourselves. I was wearing a blond wig and I had to change my face with the help of Taylor's face change modulator. Morgan had his face changed too and had dyed his hair once again brown alongside his eyes being changed to dark brown with the use of contact lenses.

- I preferred your blue-green eyes. - I said.

- Yeah, but we are in disguise now and I have to hide them. - Morgan explained and moved one stray from my wig behind my ear - Did I tell you that the blonds aren't my type?

I laughed at his comment, and I looked away. However, at that moment I spotted one man entering.

- Is that him? - I asked.

Morgan grabbed his glasses and use their face recognition function. He nodded as he was tracking where the man will go. I was doing the same thing. Our target stopped near the bar and took a drink. I looked back at Morgan, who was looking at me too. He smirked as his mischievous spark was shining in his eyes through the contact lenses. I stood making him a space to do it too. Holding hands, we join the man.

A few hours early we had understood who the people will be, on who he would sell the secrets and now we would introduce ourselves as them while the real couple were drugged in our hotel room and slept sweetly tied together.

- One whiskey with two ice cubes. – Morgan said leaning on the bar and looking at the barman.

- Good taste for a gangster. – the man chuckled understanding who he was supposed to be – I always prefer four cubs.

- So, you are the man who will tell us everything about Mrs Garmadon. – I asked as Morgan turned his back against the bar and leaned on it staring at the man – When do we start?

- Well, I first want to drink my tequila and then we will go to my hotel. – he suggested taking a sip.

The barman came bringing Morgan's drink and he paid. The barman walked away, and I suggested on my own:

- What about our hotel? It is the closest.

- Okay. Now, cheers. – the man said holding his arm.

- Cheers. – Morgan said knocking on his glass with his own and they both drank from their drinks.

- Why aren't you drinking? – the man said looking at me.

Oh, my got. I forgot about this. The person I tried to pretend to be was drinking, but to my relief Morgan saved me.

- She prefers to drink from my glass. – he winked at the man, smiling slyly - That's why I'm never drunk, but also, she is a little horny after that.

I took the glass from him, stepping on his feet. He bites his lips trying to stop the scream in pain. I took a sip from the whiskey and handed it back to Morgan, trying to stand with a blank face. However, the man didn't spot that and laughed at our interaction. For it was going well fine.

Morgan stared at me with an angry face, but I just smiled at him saying with one look to not mess up with me. He rolled his eyes and focused his attention on the man who was drinking his drink and enjoying it.

- Okay, are we ready to go? – the man asked once he was ready.

- Yes. – Morgan said and drank his whole whiskey – After you.

The man nodded and walked away from the bar. Morgan took my hand, and we followed the man.

Our hotel where I and Morgan were sleeping was very close and we went on foot. The whole time the man talked about his love for drinks, and he mention who are his favourite brands. I had my hand wrapped around Morgan's waist and I tried to focus on their conversation, but I don't understand anything about this topic. Morgan, on the other hand, had some knowledge and was mostly talking with the man. Not to be left out, he turned sometimes to me asking me a question that I can answer, or I knew. When I was starting to say something wrong, he will rub my collarbone under the shirt.

The man was completely obvious about our tricks and after 15 minutes we arrived at the hotel. We walked to the lift and entered inside. We reached our floor and soon we are in front of our room. Morgan walked with the man inside the room while I closed the door and locked it.

- What's going on? – I heard the man yell.

I followed his voice and I saw Morgan already pinning the man on the ground while he was reaching to grab his gun. I put on my glove and took the gun.

- Who are you? – the man yelled.

- That isn't important. The Garmadon spy organization hired us to stop you. – I said pointing his gun towards him.

- Someone paid me a huge amount of money only to betray them. I didn't want it, but that was a huge amount. – the man yelled scared.

- Who was it? – I asked walking a little closer.

- I don't know. Please, I have a family with kids. Don't kill me. – the man begged.

- Does the man Roland Cameron Curse ring a bell? – I asked once again.

- No, I told you I don't know his name. – the man said.

Morgan glanced at me with boredom, and I chuckled. The man stared at me confused. I kneel closer to the pinned man and explained:

- See, while we were making our disguise to look like your sellers, I created a plan with my husband. – I smiled slightly – I will ask questions while he analyzes you and understands if you are lying.

- With one word she talks, and I listen. – Morgan concluded looking at the man – Now tell us why he paid you.

- So that the Garmadon spy organization could be destroyed. He didn't mention anything else. – the man answered, and I glanced at Morgan but he nodded slightly – Please, release me. I have a family.

- Here you are untruthful. – Morgan said shaking his head.

I stood up realizing that this was. We needed to kill him, but I didn't want and I knew Morgan didn't want either. My husband stood up from the man pointing his gun to shoot him. 

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