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I woke up in an empty bed and I sat rubbing my eyes. I saw Morgan sitting on his chair and writing something in his diary. I stood up, walked to him and sat on the chair next to him. He noticed me and smiled closing the diary.

- Hey, Elena. – he smiled and pecked my lip.

- Hey. Why did you get up early? – I asked him.

- I couldn't sleep. The pain in my chest woke me up and I had to get up and take a painkiller. – Morgan explained and patted his diary smiling – Then I got inspired and I decided to draw something.

- Can I see it? – I asked reaching for his diary, but he took it before I had a chance making me pout.

- Not now. I will show you when I am ready with it. – Morgan smiled sweetly and stood taking my arm – Now I am hungry. Can we go take the kids and walk downstairs?

I nodded standing up too and kissed him briefly before walking to the bedroom.


Morgan rubbed his chest taking a deep breath as the pain rushed in him. He exhaled and took one painkiller swallowing it before no one could notice.


I helped Emma and Emily got changed while Jacob, Jason, Hannah, Gabriel, and Dylan were doing everything alone and were in the bath washing their teeth. My sweet twins rushed into the bath to wash their teeth and I took Charlie who immediately illuminate me with a big smile, and she looked away looking at Morgan. He took Elijah and placed him on the diaper-changing table next to me. We change their diapers like a team, and each took a baby in his arm.

Entering the cafeteria, a sweet aroma of waffles hit me and before I can realize seven kids were running to the bar where the waffles were. Rebecca was already placing a few waffles on her plate while Ruby walking with her baby walker around her. The little girl's eyes shone once again seeing my kids and especially my little girl Emma. I swear this too were in love and will be a very powerful couple when they get older.

I took a plate for me and Morgan and went into the dining room where he was with Charlie and Elijah. I saw him rub his chest trying apparently to get rid of the pain. I sat next to him and asked him:

- Are you okay? – he opened his mouth, but I stopped him – And don't say you are fine? I can see you are in pain.

- My chest hurt a little because of the two broken ribs I have. – Morgan explained – But I have a checkup later the day and I will go see if there is something wrong.

- Okay. – I nodded and I ruffled his hair, even if he didn't like it – After that, we will talk. If there is something, we will deal with it together.

- Always and forever. - Morgan agreed and kissed me.

I smiled under the kiss and kissed him back, but our kiss was interrupted because the kids came with Rebecca and her daughter.


Peter rubbed his temple confused looking at Lana who was staring at her tablet.

- I don't understand. – he said once again.

- You are very stupid. – Lana growled and looked at the man – We will wait for Morgan to get worse and then we will take everything he had.

- But how he will get worse if we don't do anything. – Peter crossed his arms.

- Look at this. – Lana said and gave him his tablet – It shows Morgan's vitals and looks like there is a comment below them.

Peter looked at everything and only when he understood everything. He returned the tablet to Lana who said:

- I will let them spend some family time. I will give them two weeks and then we will destroy them.


I sighed in relief when my babies fell asleep, and I looked around. Emma, Emily, and Ruby were playing on the baby carpet while Jacob, Jason, Hannah, Gabriel and Dylan were playing board games on the coffee table. I thought that they will get bored immediately, but I was wrong.

- Elena, can you come? – Rebecca walked into the room.

- Sure. – I said and looked at my older boys – You two command.

Jacob and Jason nodded and continue to play with their siblings. I followed Rebecca to her office and entering inside I saw Taylor's worried look. I noticed that Rebecca is worried too.

- Is something wrong? – I asked confused looking at them.

- In Lana's headquarters I found one old and small cupboard that was locked. It wasn't destroyed by the explosion and I decided to look inside. – Taylor explained and looked at the folders on his desk – These were inside his cupboard. I checked all of them and I realize that she was spying on you and Morgan since her father died.

- But how? She was missing back then. No one knew where she was. – I said confused.

- She was kidnapped by some old enemies of her father, but he didn't care about her, and she went to prison for killing them. – Rebecca explained sitting on the desk.

- Now what? She wants revenge for her father who didn't care for her and her brother who redeemed himself and was killed by Peter's minions. – I concluded confused.

- It seems like she doesn't know this about her brother. – Taylor rubbed his chin thinking – What if we tell her? Maybe Morgan will be able to tell her the truth. After all, she trusts him because he is the father of her daughter.

- Morgan has an appointment with the doctor now and I can call him to check when he will come. – I said and crossed my arm sighing – And I think Lana won't believe him no matter who he is.

- Then we are stuck with information, we can't use. – Rebecca sighed deeply.

I took my phone from my pocket and called Morgan. At first, he didn't pick up, but he picked up the second time.

- Morgan, hey. How is it with the doctor? – I asked.

- We are still talking. Is there something? – Morgan replied worriedly.

- Oh, no. Everything is fine. We will talk when you come back, won't we? – I asked.

- Of course. – Morgan said – I have to go. The doctor just received the test from the X-ray.

He closed too fast and felt like there was something wrong, but I tried to stay positive. Maybe there was nothing to worry about and I was just overreacting.

- What did he say? – Rebecca asked getting me out of my thoughts.

- He is with the doctor, and we will talk when he gets here. – I answered and they both nodded. 

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