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After a few hours, Morgan was feeling fine. If a fine means he was still feverish but not whining in pain like a puppy, then yes, he was fine.

Whenever he was poisoned with, that was much stronger than every poison we had encountered. That didn't kill him immediately, but it was a rather slow death full of agonizing pain. Also, it appeared it was draining his strength because Morgan was constantly tired, and he spent yesterday sleeping in his room. I told the kids not to disturb him and they listened.

While the kids were playing in the backyard on football and I was putting Charlie and Elijah to sleep outside in their baby baskets, Agatha walked to me and sat.

- So, any success in finding the cure. - I asked with hope.

- Not yet. I checked on him and took some blood for him for further testing. - Agatha said and rubbed her temple - I even told Tristan to help me with finding what the poison contains. For now, no luck.

- How much time he had left? - I asked and the moment I said I felt my heartbreak.

- I can't tell. - Agatha smiled sadly and took my hand - But I promise you I won't let him die.

- Thank you. - I smiled gratefully at her.

- I probably had to return to work. Don't worry I will find a solution. – Agatha said and walked away.

I looked back at the babies. They were sleeping as Charlie sucked her pacifier and Elijah his thumb. My glance went to the playground where the others played soccer. Gabriel was the goalkeeper. Jacob, Jason, and Hannah were from one team, and Dylan, Emma, and Emily were from the other. They played carefully and didn't run so much. Whoever score wins a point. The older kids allowed the younger ones to win.

I heard thunder but I wasn't the only one. The kids forgot about the game and got back quickly to me.

Soon it started raining and it transformed into thunderstorms with bolts of lightning. To reassure my kids I made a tent with chairs, sheets, and many pillows in the playing room. Bella joined too and while everyone was playing in the tent, I went into the bedroom to see how Morgan is.

I sat on the bed and touched his face. His cheeks were red and burning. He was sweating but at least he was sleeping peacefully. I rubbed his cheek and leaned kissing him on the temple. He opened his eyes and smiled happily seeing.

- Hey. – I smiled – How do you feel?

- A little better. – Morgan answered and sat looking through the window – There is a storm?

- Yeah. I already made "the safe and stormproof" tent and I wanted to make sure you are fine. – I explained and he glanced at me – Do you want to join us?

- Of course. – Morgan grinned and I helped him to stand up.

Entering the room, the kids giggled when they saw their father, and everyone hugged him. The storm intensified and the only thing outside that could be heard was the rain falling on the hoods of cars and other objects and the thunder.

I went downstairs to make sandwiches and went upstairs to the shelter as the children called it.

Suddenly someone ring the door downstairs and I went to see what was going on. Opening the door, I saw Peter.

- What are you doing here? – I said letting him inside – There is a storm.

- Yeah, that stopped me from coming sooner. – Peter nodded and rubbed his arms to keep warm – I succeeded to get the antidote of the poison Morgan was poisoned with.

- How can we trust you? - I heard Morgan and turned to see him leaning against the railing.

- Well you can't, but you can check it out. - Peter replied, pulling out a bottle and handing it to me - Just because I want to destroy you doesn't mean I want to watch you suffer.

- Stay. There is a storm outside. - I said, stopping him, and Peter smiled playfully.

I saw that Morgan frowned but stayed quiet. We made sure the antidote Peter gave us is the right one and we gave it to Morgan. We had to give him the injection in the same place he was beaten with the poison injection, so I made him lie down. I beat him with the injection of the antidote and Morgan whimpered in pain.

- How did you get it? - I asked, looking at Peter.

- Well ... I stole it while I was alone. - Peter explained uncertainly.

I saw him like that for the first time. He was always smug and confident in everything he did, but now there was a big change in him, and I was curious to find out why.

Morgan spent the next hours sleeping but his fever was disappearing, and he was gaining strength. I checked on him somewhere during the night, but he was still sleeping. I closed the door quietly to not disturb him and checked the kids. All of them were sleeping peacefully in their beds and I finally walked downstairs to where Peter was.

He was sitting on the sofa reading a book. The storm was still active, and he couldn't move from here. Both Agatha and Morgan didn't believe him and even now I could spot Agatha watching him from the kitchen.

I sat in the armchair, and he glanced at me leaving the book on the coffee table.

- How is he? - he asked curiously.

- He will be like new tomorrow, I guess. - I answered and thought - How exactly did you know he was poison, and he needed an antidote?

- My boss planned on this and of course, it was made an antidote just in case someone from his or her people gets injected. - Peter answered making him stare at him confused.

- His or her? - I asked confused and I saw Peter getting scared - Is the boss a girl or a boy?

- That was a mistake. I don't what gender is Boss. - Peter rubbed his neck anxious.

I nodded agreeing but something wasn't right here. The storm finished and I got goodbye to him. The moment he exited Agatha walked to me and crossed her arms.

- Did you hear his mistake? - I asked.

- Yes. - she nodded and tapped her chin thinking - He knows something but doesn't want to share it.

- If only we had truth serum or something like that. - I sighed and Agatha smirked looking at me - We have!?

- My daughter is a spy in disguise, and she always loved to play with truth serums. We can go there and ask her to help us. - she said.

- We can't leave the kids alone. We have to get them with us and hope everything goes well. – I answered.

- Family trip. – Agatha agreed.

I walked inside the bedroom and changed into my pyjama before lying on the bed next to Morgan, who immediately felt me and woke up. I hugged him across the chest and put my head on my shoulder, hiding my face in his neck. He wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my forehead.

- Did I miss something? - he asked me in a sleeping voice.

- Not so much. - I explained - I asked Peter how he knew you were poisoned, and he mentioned that his boss made an antidote in case any of her and his people were poisoned.

- What? Is the boss a man or a woman? I couldn't understand. - Morgan asked confused.

- That's how I reacted. He explained that this was a mistake. But Agatha has a daughter who loves to make truth serums and can help us. - I answered.

Morgan hummed and I leaned back to see him, but he had his eyes closed and seemed to be asleep again. I snuggled into him and fell asleep.

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