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The second official Curse family vacation started around 4 in the morning.

Jacob, Jason, Hannah, Gabriel, Dylan, Emma, and Emily were so sleepy that they did everything we asked them to do without complaining. They ate their sandwiches and made their luggage with our help, of course. Charlie and Elijah woke up because of the noise but after rocking for a few minutes, they fell asleep in their baby seats hugging their favourite toys.

Just 40 minutes after all the family had woken up, we were all in our big car.

Morgan was driving with me sitting next to him. Behind us, in their baby seats, Charlie and Elijah slept peacefully with Hannah sleeping in the same row. On the third row were Emma, Emily and Dylan sleeping as well and the last row was occupied by the sleeping Jacob, Jason, and Gabriel. Our dog Bella was in her cage in the back with our luggage and as far I could tell she was calm and maybe sleeping too.

We travelled for two hours before Morgan stopped at one gas station.

- You had to take a nap. - Morgan said seeing I yawn.

- I didn't want to leave you alone. I know you don't want to stay alone with your thoughts for too long. - I explained myself and he smiled amused at me making me get shy - And maybe that's why I kept telling you silly stories.

- I doubt that the story of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs is silly. It taught the kids how to kill their stepmoms and not to sleep with seven men. - Morgan chuckled making me laugh slightly.

- I want candy from inside. You know my favourite, don't you? - I said after calming down.

Morgan nodded and walked from the car. He refuelled the car with gas and entered the gas station. I turned and I saw that all my kids were still sleeping peacefully hugging their favourite plushie toys.

A phone vibrated and I turn seeing that it is Morgan's phone. It was his doctor, and I took it exiting the car. I closed the door quietly and answered:

- Good morning, doctor Valentine.

- Good morning, Mrs Curse. I didn't wake you up, did I? - he asked embarrassed.

- No. We are on a road trip, and we are currently stopped at one gas station. - I answered and he hummed - Are there any results?

- That is why I am calling. - doctor Valentine sighed - The results were correct. Mr Curse has a weak heart and that will probably cause a heart attack or cardiac arrest in the future.

- Is there some sort of cure? - I asked desperately at the moment when Morgan came.

He sighed sadly knowing what has happened.

- I will send you an email with a few things to do and some recommendations. - Doctor Valentine interrupted my thoughts.

- Okay, thanks. - I said and walked to Morgan wrapping my arms around his neck, and rubbing his nape - The doctor said he will send some recommendations for you on how to help you get better.

- Yeah, I heard that part. - Morgan nodded.

- Always and forever, right? - I asked.

- Yes. Always and forever, love. - Morgan replied with a smile appearing on his face.

We entered the car, and we continued our way to the complex where we were staying during our family vacation before everything happened.

Two hours later the kids woke up hungry and we stopped at one fast food restaurant. While Morgan was with our seven kids taking their orders, I was inside the nursery bathroom and changing the diapers of my babies. Emma and Emily didn't use diapers anymore during the day, but we still put diapers on them during the night as a precaution. Once Charlie and Elijah were ready, I put them in their baby stroller and pushed them outside.

I saw my family sitting at one of the tables with the kids eating and playing with their new toys. I sat in front of Morgan, and he immediately smiled seeing me, but it wasn't a very happy smile. It was more likely sad.

I took the babies' food and my husband helped me with feeding them. A few minutes later everyone was ready with their breakfast, I guess, and we got back in the car. The trip continued noisier than before, but I didn't complain. A babbling, humming song, talking, and sometimes crying were the noises you could hear in this car alongside barking sometimes.

After many hours, we finally arrived at the complex and Morgan parked in front of the house. The kids jumped out of the car looking at the new house where we will be staying.

- Curse family is back. – I heard a familiar voice and turned to see Dorothea with her twins Vincent and Victoria.

- Yeah, we decided that is a good idea to come back here for another family vacation. – I said saying half of the truth.

- How is Team Trouble? – she asked smiling and spotted Elijah who was trying to eat his feet – Another kid? Wow.

- We adopted him before we move from here. Someone left him on our door during a storm. – Morgan answered before me.

- You two are like magnets for kids. I have a feeling I will go back to bed and when I opened my eyes you two will have two more. – Dorothea joked.

- We will stick to 9 kids. – Morgan said shaking his head trying not to laugh at the joke.

- Good. There is a barbecue in the evening. You are welcome to come. – Dorothea said and pushed the stroller where her kids were making them pout – Don't worry you will play with them later. Bye.

I waved at her and looked at Morgan who immediately push the stroller, where our babies were. He smiled sweetly at me and took the suitcases. Jacob, Jason, Hannah, Gabriel, Dylan, Emma, and Emily took their toys and backpacks before running into the house to explore it. Our dog Bella was running and exploring with them while Morgan and I make sure to distribute luggage in the rooms according to who will sleep where. Everyone ordered to sleep as we slept before.

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