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After some time, I woke up. I groaned in pain and looked around. I was in our bedroom on the bed, and I had a saline system. I tried to stand up, but the pain stopped. I was going to try once more, but I felt a hand stopping him. It was Morgan.

He sat on the bed smiling at me still holding his hand on my chest stopping me from standing up. His eyes were tired, and I could see bags under his eyes. I grabbed his hand, which was still on my chest, and intertwined our fingers.

- How many hours have I slept? - I asked hoarsely.

- Twelve hours, I think. - Morgan said, looking at his watch, and turned to me again - The children refused to go to bed until you woke up. I had to read them stories for two hours and sing to them for another hour to put them to sleep.

- Did you at least sleep afterwards? - I asked anxiously.

- I had nightmares and I couldn't. - Morgan sighed and smiled weakly - But I

didn't drink. I'm completely sober.

- I believe you. - I said, rubbing the new bandage on his knuckles - Can you lay down next to me?

Morgan gave me a playful smile and lay down on the bed without hurting me. He put his hand under my head and came close to me. I wrapped my arms around his waist, inhaling his scent. This calmed me down immediately. I felt protected and happy, especially when I felt his finger caress my belly. I smiled, feeling my eyes heavy, and kissed his neck before falling asleep.


Lana entered the room out of breath and looked at the turned chair where her boss was sitting. The Mysterious Boss noticed the girl and turned slightly his head but not his whole body or the chair.

- They abducted me and tried to make me talk but I didn't. - Lana said walking closer to him - I didn't say anything.

The Mysterious Boss hummed and jumped out of a sudden hitting Lana's head on the desk. The woman groaned in pain but her boss didn't get guilty. He took off the GPS tracker that Elena put on her and sat again on his chair. Lana stood up rubbing her neck. She again couldn't see her boss's face.

- Did you find out something from them? - the Mysterious Boss asked.

- That they are friends with Frank and Trent Salvatores. - Lana answered and thought - Nothing else. He mentions the two gangsters threatening me but didn't succeed.

- Good. Get rest. - The Mysterious Boss said and laughed maniacally- We are going on the hunt for mobsters.


I felt someone lick my face and I woke up. Bella was watching me with big puppy eyes and I swear I could see a smile on that face. I pet her and she barked happily.

- Where are the others? - I asked.

Bella tilted her head to one side but stayed in position. She stuck out her tongue and was very sweet now. The dog jumped out of her place out of a sudden and ran downstairs hearing her name. I laughed at her behaviour and stood up slowly. I managed to get to my feet and walked down.

Going downstairs I headed to the kitchen. There I saw Jacob, Jason, Hannah, Gabriel, Dylan, Emma and Emily eating milk with cornflakes and watching the cartoon. Ruby sat with them and ate with them as well. Morgan fed Charlie while Rebecca fed Elijah.

He noticed me immediately and smiled, pointing me to sit next to him. I sat next to him and Rebecca returned the child to me. My little boy smiled as he drank his milk. On the other hand, Rebecca stood up and brought me milk with cornflakes. At the moment we fed the babies, Morgan and I had breakfast too.

After breakfast, we decided to go to the Salvatores so they could help us and come up with a plan to stop the Mysterious Boss. Now we could find out where they are with the help of the tracker I put on Lana.

Frank and Trent met us at their bar and we went to their office in the back. We explained the situation and they listen carefully without interrupting us. At the end of our explanation, Frank laughed:

- You can't catch one man. What spies are you?

- No one knew who he is. Even Peter. – I sighed – Will you help us?

- Of course, after all, you two are part of the gang and we are part of your spy family. – Trent said chuckling slightly and stood up reloading his gun – Are we going?

I liked his desire to help us, but suddenly my watch started making noise. I looked down and noticed that he was signalling that my tracking device was nearby. I didn't have time to tell the others because there were shots from a machine gun and pistols. The two mobster brothers approached the door ready to shoot anything that moved. I also stood up, pulled out my pistol, and noticed that Morgan was doing the same.

Suddenly two men with moles entered. Morgan grabbed me and pushed me to the desk. We hid underneath and I heard the drum of the machine gun start spinning. Some of the bullets began to pierce the desk, and I realized that this might be the end. I noticed Morgan gripping his leg, pressing a gunshot wound.

Everything stopped and I looked. I saw the two men loading their weapons, and that was my chance. I shot at both of them, hitting them in the head. My husband stood up just in time for me to hear footsteps.

I looked around for Frank and Trent, but they lay on the ground in puddles of blood. I looked at the men I had shot, and then I noticed the Mysterious Boss logo. I froze and couldn't move. I heard Morgan call me to run, but I didn't move. I could not.

Eventually, Morgan grabbed me and pushed me into a secret door just before more of the Mysterious Boss's men appeared. We went out right at the bar and I grabbed my mouth. The whole bar was littered with murdered innocent men, women and children lying in all directions. The walls were smeared with blood and all tables were stained with dried blood. It was a scary sight that was just taken out of a horror movie.

I felt someone pull me, but I knew it was Morgan. We went outside and I finally managed to catch my breath. That horrible sight had frozen me, but I couldn't take a breath. I had a feeling that air doesn't reach my lungs and my head was spinning repeating the horrific scene. Morgan saw my breakdown and hug me.

- Shh, everything will be okay. – he whispered calmly in my ear.

My vision got blurry and I let the tears drop. I immediately looked down and Morgan let me do it. He didn't want to force me to look at him. He just held me tighter and one of his hands made circles on my lower back to calm me down.

- Let it out, Elena. – Morgan spoke closer to my ear.

- Don't leave me, Morgan. – I cried hugging him tighter afraid that I will lose him.

- You know I will never do it. – Morgan laughed drily, and I glanced at his sad eyes who desperately tried to stay calm – I will be forever with you, Love. I promise.

I continue crying as he held me tighter. I think I ruined his shirt, but he didn't say anything. We stayed like that for a few minutes until I saw one car park near us. From her, Tristan exited with a sad smile and helped me and Morgan to enter the car. 

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