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Morgan's condition was getting worse. His nightmares were getting more and more intense, and he was waking up now screaming from pain, sadness, or shock. That didn't wake up now only me, but also the kids. They knew what was going on and were trying to help with what they can.

He couldn't sleep anymore after a nightmare, and I was making him draw every time something from them. That was making him calmer, and it got on his nerves much better, and he didn't have to drink. After another nightmare, he sat in the chair next to the desk, drawing with headphones in his ears. Because I didn't give him time to paint, his sketches were even more realistic and scary.

We still didn't understand what the problem was with the nightmares, but we were all trying to find a way to help him.

I sighed and stood up to go to him. He had painted himself holding a bloody knife, all stained with blood, standing in front of me, as I was on the ground with blood on my stomach and legs. He was painting something else behind him now, and he didn't signal that he felt me. I pulled the chair over to the desk and picked up a sheet of paper and a pencil.

I picked up his earbud, gaining his attention, but I just put one book so he couldn't see what I was drawing. He tried to look, but I wouldn't let him.

After 15 minutes I managed to draw two hearts pierced with an arrow with smaller hearts between them, of different sizes. I wrote inside the hearts our names and folded the sheets in half. I sat on Morgan's lap and removed the earbud from our ears.

- Hey. - Morgan said shyly.

- Hey. - I smiled and put my folded picture on the table in front of him - This is my best masterpiece, but you can only see it if you tell me what your picture means.

Morgan swallowed nervously and looked at his drawing. I followed his gaze and noticed that he had written: "Kiss => Death"

- We kissed, but then I stabbed you in the leg. Holding you, I stabbed you in the other leg and finally in the abdomen. You fell to the ground and died in terrible agony, but I had not stopped here. - Morgan spoke, and I looked at him - I pulled out a bomb and exploded, killing everyone around me. They all died.

- You will not kill us. I know you. - I said and grabbed his chin making him look at me - Believe me when I tell you that you are not able to hurt me or our kids. Exactly the opposite. You will do everything to protect us, but you will never hurt us.

- I'm not sure anymore. - Morgan cried – The dreams are becoming more and more real, and sometimes I wonder if it's a reality. - he looked around - Is this a reality at all?

I pointed my fingers at him, and he examined them before looking at me confused.

- In dreams, the fingers are always more. There are currently ten meanings that this is a reality. - I said, and Morgan nodded miserably.

I took my folded picture and handed it to him. Just as he took it, I grabbed his face, giving him a kiss that showed love and a promise to be with him. Morgan kissed back but backed away instantly, looking around fearfully for a knife.

- It's alright, baby. - I said and smiled - Look at my masterpiece.

Morgan opened the folded sheet and finally smiled sincerely at what I had drawn. He looked at me and said:

- You're the best thing I can have. My light in life, my heart, my only and unique love. - he left the picture and hugged me across the waist - I love you.

- I love you too. – I said and pecked his lip – Now what do you want to do?

- Go and try to take a nap. It's early. – Morgan smiled.

I glanced at the clock. It was around 4 a.m. and as much as I didn't want Morgan to get stressed with nightmares, he needed to sleep. I sighed and stood on his lap. I walked to my nightstand and opened it taking an antidepressant. I didn't want to use it, but maybe that was the only way to make Morgan get some sleep.

I got back to him and gave him one pill.

- Drink it and come lay down with me. – I said.

- What is that? – Morgan asked confused, but still drinking it with his bottle of water.

- Antidepressant. – I answered and held my hand – Come with me.

Morgan hesitated, but still took my hand and I led him to the bed. I pushed him onto the bed making him laugh and I jumped on him. That caused him to act hurt and angry with me.

However, the moment I snuggled in him wrapping us under the blanket, he relaxed instantly. A few minutes later we were both asleep.


Peter sighed painfully as he sat up and rubbed his chest. The pain in his chest was chilling and painful and kept him awake. He stood up and left the room, heading for the office. Inside, his boss sat in the same position with an upturned chair in the dark. The only light was a tablet.

Peter peered in to see what his boss was looking at, but he turned off his tablet and tapped his fingernails on the arms holders.

- What do you want, Peter? - the boss growled.

- I was hoping you would help me. - Peter sighed - The pain in my chest woke me again.

- This is because your body is still adjusting to living with a lung and a half. - the boss muttered as if it wasn't nothing new – The bookshelf on the right there is a book entitled "Medicine". There is what you are looking for inside.

Peter followed the order and sighed with relief, glad to be able to sleep at last. He was about to leave when he saw that his boss had long nails.

- Goodbye. - he said, and went out, closing the door.

His boss is a woman? He could swear he saw a male hand last time. Peter swallowed nervously and returned to his room.


I felt Morgan start to move still in his dream and I opened my eyes sleepy. It was around 7 a.m. and Morgan was having a nightmare. He was sweating, breathing hard and moving his head from left to right.

- Morgan. – I said, sitting on the bed, and shook him – Morgan, wake up. – he didn't react, but he started to cry this time – Morgan, come on. Wake up.

I slapped him immediately waking him up. He immediately sat up, breathing unevenly, and he began to bend and unfold his legs trying to escape. I grabbed his face and stroked his cheeks.

- Hey, it's okay. – he stopped shaking on the bed trying to run and I touched our temples continuing the rub his cheeks – Just breathe. I am here and nothing happens to me.

Morgan let out a depressing sob trying to calm down and I let go of his head taking his hands. I stretched out his fists and looked at him, but he was looking somewhere crying slightly. The nightmare was still swirling in his head. 

- Morgan, focus here. - I stroked his hands, drawing his attention again - How many fingers can you count on your hands?

- Ten. - Morgan said in a dry, breathless voice.

I hugged him, stroking his hair, and felt him put his arms around my waist, trembling slightly. Something had to be done. If this continued, Morgan would be refusing to sleep, and it would not have a good effect on his health.

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