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I was feeling just like Spiderman when I was sitting on the branch of a tree. I was fully upright and had no chance of falling because of Taylor's new sticky shoes. I removed my binoculars from my eyes and looked at Morgan, who was next to me.

- I counted thirty-four people without Agatha. - I thought.

- To be honest, it's thirty-six people because two just came out of the bathroom, but you are right. - Morgan said, lowering his binoculars and looking at me with a loving smile – As always, love.

- Thank you. Are you ready for action? - I asked, smiling as well and Morgan nodded before jumping off the tree.

I rolled my eyes and followed him. We both ran to the wall and climbed up by the first window. I put my hand on the window and Morgan cut a circle. I pulled lightly and I had a glass in the shape of a circle glued to my hand. Morgan reached out and unlocked the locks and opened the window. I entered first and left the piece of glass on the ground. The moment Morgan entered, I turned him over and pulled out two lanterns from the backpack. Morgan pressed his spy piece and a mask appeared covering his face. Only his eyes were visible. He picked up one of the lanterns and went forward to the door while I put on my mask in the same way as him. I liked this technology. We will use it in the future.

I went to Morgan, who was standing in the doorway, listening. I heard the voices of a woman and a man right outside the door. There was no way we could open the door and knock them down. They would hear the door open and we would be shot.

I looked around for something we could use but noticed something else. Ventilation shaft.

- Morgan. - I whispered very softly, but he heard me and looked at me, at which I pointed to the ventilation shaft.

- Signal through the watches on our hands. - Morgan whispered back and helped me get inside.

When I was on top of the man and woman in front of the door where Morgan was hiding behind, I wrote a quick message to Morgan.

He opened the door and I jumped out of the shaft. He broke the man's neck while I hit the woman against the wall. She hit her head and fell to the ground. I looked at Morgan and he pointed to the right. We both drew our pistols and walked forward, firing at the unsuspecting subordinates. We reached a door where Agatha was, and I leaned in front of the doorknob. I took out two hairpins and after folding them into the shape I needed, I started to open the door. Morgan stood beside me to protect me if anyone accidentally showed up.

We couldn't break down the door because it would make noise, signalling to the others that there was noise, and we also didn't know if there was an alarm or more people inside.

I managed to unlock the door and opened it slightly, seeing Agatha in the centre of the room. She had bloody bruises on her face and a rag tied around her mouth. She mumbled something that sound like a warning, and I picked up a smoke bomb. The moment I opened it and the smoke spread, I saw red lasers surrounding Agatha.

I raised my hands in surrender and could hear Morgan sigh. He looked around and handed me the bag, stepping back. He ran through the two lasers in front of the door and avoided the third, which was close to the ground. He skipped, pierced, or crawled until he reached Agatha. Morgan was much better at these things than I was. He reached Agatha and removed the rag from her mouth.

- We need to find a way to get you out of here. - Morgan said, thinking for a moment.

- We can only get out of here if we activate the alarm. The lasers will turn off automatically. - Agatha spoke in a tired voice.

- Wolf, do you trust me? - I asked, using Morgan's code name.

- Always, Princess. - Morgan replied, and he helped Agatha to her feet, supporting her.

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