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I was watching through the door from the kitchen how Jacob, Jason, Hannah, Gabriel, Dylan, Emma, and Emily were studying or just training their intelligence with different puzzles in the living room and I was preparing juice. In their baby bouncers in the room, Charlie and Elijah were playing with their toys.

The moment I was ready, Morgan entered the room. He leaned on the bar watching me.

- Do you have something you want to say? - I asked.

- A few things. - Morgan chuckled and wrapped me behind the waist - The first thing is that I love you.

- Oh, I love you too. - I said and turned, wrapping my hands around him.

- The second thing is that the spies from The Garmadon spy organization arrived in Newfield. Tristan and a few other spices are with them. - Morgan continued, smiling.

- The only thing we have to do now is to create a plan. - I thought and Morgan nodded - Are we safe here?

- Finally, we are. Trust me. - Morgan answered and pecked my lip - No one can enter without being seeing seen There are a few spies around the building patrolling and a few who are watching through the security cameras.

- Okay. I trust you. Do you want some juice? - I asked him, pointing to the juice.

Morgan smiled and released me so I can finish my work. I poured it into one glass and gave it to him. He drank a small amount of it, and I could see he like it. I poured the juice into the kids' glasses and walked outside. My kids spotted me and were happy to have a break.

After they drink their fresh, all of them run to the movie theatre yelling over each other that it is their time to choose a movie. I went downstairs to pick up the babies when a red line started flashing from the command centre. Morgan was first there and was already looking at it.

- What's going on? – I asked confused.

- The headquarters are attacked. – Morgan answered – We have to go.

- Again? – I heard Jacob's voice and I turned.

At the door, Jacob, Jason, Hannah, Gabriel, Dylan, Emma, and Emily were standing with sad eyes.

- The headquarters are under attack. We have to go there. – I said and turned to Morgan who was about to disagree – We are going together.

- What if someone decides to attack us while you are gone? – Jason wondered.

- Nothing will happen, I promise. – Morgan reassured the kids – Stay with your little brother and sister and wait there while the babysitter came.

- Be careful. – Hannah pouted.

They walked to the kitchen with me and Morgan following when Gabriel stopped and asked:

- Can we use paintball guns if someone attacked us?

- Only if it is for protection and you have an adult around you. – I answered.

I kissed their temples and Dylan, Emma and Emily hugged me scared. I reassured them once again and followed Morgan. We went into the garage, and he grabbed one of the helmets giving it to me. I put it on, and Morgan sat on his motorbike putting on his gloves. I sat behind him and wrapped my arms around his waist. He put on his helmet and started his bike, forcing it slightly into place. The garage door opened, and Morgan left. I noticed the spies who were patrolling us, and they already knew where we were going, but they did not follow us.

After 20 minutes we were in front of our sewing studio parking in the small parking lot in front of it. I got off the bike and took off my helmet.

The saleswoman smiled kindly and greeted us. I greeted her back walking upstairs, while Morgan just nodded politely. We went upstairs and headed for the elevator. It opened and we went inside. It had only two buttons for the second floor, where were we, and the basement.

Morgan pushed for the button for the basement without hesitation, and the metal doors closed. A few seconds later, a melodious bell rang to announce that we had arrived, and the door opened.

I came out of it and was amazed. I was in a large room like a subway, but on the wall in front was the huge logo of our spy organization. A huge colourful high-speed train stood on the rails with the doors open. I opened my mouth in shock, looking at Morgan, who smiled.

- Are you ready to go inside? - he asked.

- Morgan, who did all this? - I shouted in shock.

- Very good builders who are part of the old generation and some of our spies who had finished speciality construction. – Morgan explained and took my hand leading me inside.

Inside was even more amazing. The first car we entered was equipped with comfortable armchairs where you can lie down and even lift your legs, and a minibar with all kinds of drinks and food. I looked forward to the next carriages.

The second car was the same as the first, but it was mirrored and did not have this mini bar. Instead, in front of each chair was a small table and a window to look out.

The third car was a children's paradise. It had a small bowling alley, huge plush toys, balls, and more.

The next car was a restroom. Two huge sofas were facing each other and an amazing TV was placed next door. There was another mini-bar with drinks.

The last car was the command centre, which was a huge screen all over the wall and in front of it a huge keyboard with all sorts of buttons painted in different colours. Two chairs stood in front of them with my name and Morgan's.

I went back to my husband who was in the first car and was sitting in one of the chairs. I grabbed his face and kissed him passionately. We pulled away from each other and I saw the smile on his face.

- As I understand it, you liked it very much. - Morgan concluded.

- This is amazing. - I said and sat down on the chair in front of him looking at the individual buttons - Oh, we will travel in this constantly.

Morgan laughed. At that moment, I realized that we were getting up. I didn't even realize it.

We stopped at a similar stop, which was under our sewing studio, and I realized we were at headquarters. Entering inside I saw chaos. 

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