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Morgan was sitting on one chair without a shirt and was watching how Frank drew their mobster logo on his waist just next to his family tattoo.

I, on the other hand, sat on the sofa waiting for my turn and thought about where to put that tattoo. I wanted to hide it when I was able but also to be able to show it. After all, if we had the logo of the Salvatore gang, no one from the criminal would have dared to challenge us.

I heard the door opening and I stood up walking upstairs. My sweet kids Jacob, Jason, Hannah, Gabriel, Dylan, Emma and Emily had exited their rooms and I stopped them from going downstairs.

- I don't want you to go downstairs. Stay here. - I said.

- What's going on? - Jacob asked confused.

- They are some friends downstairs but I don't want you to meet them because they are mobsters. - I explained.

- Okay. We will stay here. - Jason replied with his siblings nodding their heads.

- Can we have at least something for a snack? - Gabriel asked confused.

- Of course. - I said - Take your younger siblings if they are awake and go in the playroom.

My kids followed my instructions and I walked downstairs. I entered the kitchen and I put in a bowl all the cookies Morgan had bought but we didn't eat them.

I walked upstairs and my kids were already sitting on the ground playing a board game. I put the bowl with cookies on the ground and each of them took one. I heard a cry and turned seeing that Charlie was fussy while Elijah was uncomfortable and was moving in his crib a lot. It was obvious that my little girl didn't feel okay. I touched my little girl's temple and I immediately felt the fever.

- Oh, no. - I said to myself but that was enough loud to gain my other kids' attention.

- What's going on with our sister? - Hannah asked on behalf of everyone.

I checked Charlie's temperature and she had a high fever.

- Your sister has a fever. I had to go to the hospital. - I said.

- Then we are coming. - Dylan said.

- No, Mommy. - Emma interrupted before I can say something - We will come.

- We will be good kids. - Emily added with a small smile.

I sighed and nodded. They change themselves helping each other while I change my babies. I took them and walked to the garage. Morgan noticed me and jumped from his spot scaring Frank and Trent. He was already wearing his T-shirt and I guess he was ready.

- Where are you going? - he asked confused.

- Charlie has a fever and I want the doctor to see her. You know that Elijah won't let her go and will cry if he is separated from her. And the others are coming with me too. - I explained.

Morgan nodded and took my boy from my hands walking inside the garage. He helped me put all kids in their places and closed the door. I sat in the driver's seat and rolled down my window.

- If there is something, call me. - Morgan said coming to me and I nodded - Safe drive.

- Thank you. - I said - You don't get drunk.

Morgan rolled his eyes and stepped away nodding. I exited the garage and drove to the hospital. I exited the car when I parked, and I took Emma and Emily out of their car seats and grabbed the stroller and put my babies inside. Charlie was already crying softly and was very restless. I went inside the hospital and explained to the receptionist what the problem was. She immediately called a doctor and five minutes later a doctor appeared and took us to his office.

As he examined Charlie, I pushed the stroller lightly so that Elijah could sleep and watched Jacob, Jason, Hannah, Gabriel, Dylan, Emma, and Emily walk around the office, looking at the pictures on the walls and the stickers on the cabinets. Thank God they didn't touch anything.

I looked back at the doctor and saw that he was tickling Charlie, making her smile faintly.

- She has diarrhoea and moderate fever. I'll give you the medicine and the baby will be fine in a few days. - the doctor explained.

- Thank you. – I said and looked at Elijah who was taking a nap in the stroller – Is there a chance Elijah can get ill because of being closer to Charlie?

- I don't think so but let me check with him too. – the doctor said.

I took Elijah from his comfortable position making him grumble and woke up giving him to the doctor who smiled towards him:

– Hey, little boy. – he tickled him making him laugh – Would you allow me to check you?

Elijah was healthy and I took my babies and my older kids home. Entering inside Jacob, Jason, Hannah, Gabriel, Dylan, Emma and Emily ran to their father hugging him and he hugged him back saying:

- Now who wants a family movie night? – the kids jumped enthusiastically – Go change now.

The kids run to their room and Morgan walked to me taking Elijah from me. He tickled Charlie who smiled sadly and tiredly. I sighed and explained:

- She has diarrhoea and moderate fever. The doctor gave me some medicine and now I will give it to her.

- Do you want me to help you? – Morgan asked and I nodded.

We walked upstairs and we change the clothes of our babies. I gave the necessary medicine to my girl even if she refused in the beginning. After that, we went downstairs with already sleeping babies and the kids were already downstairs fighting over what movie to watch. I helped them like I chose a family movie that would be suitable for everyone.

Fifteen minutes after the movie had started, I leaned closer to Morgan and whispered:

- What happened with Frank and Trent?

- They went to their mansion to solve the case and didn't want to meet children because of their young age. - Morgan whispered back and looked at me - Plus I kicked them out after they decided they would have a party with all the whiskey we have.

- They drank everything, didn't they? - I sighed.

- At least they left the wine. - Morgan shrugged and intertwined my fingers - Let's enjoy the movie. If there is anything, they will call.

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