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I stopped pushing the stroller just before the stairs. Morgan stood beside me and looked at me expectantly.

I decided to surprise Morgan with a family picnic on a nearby lake where we could even swim. The spies had taken care to hide our traces so that we could not be tracked down by the villains.

Jacob, Jason, Hannah, Gabriel, Dylan, Emma, ​​and Emily ran down the stairs happily, making me scream after them:

- Be careful. – but they didn't listen to me.

- Let's go before they decide to make a mess. - Morgan laughed as I groaned.

He helped me take the baby stroller down the stairs and we put it on the ground. Morgan took out the huge tent and opened it. I, on the other hand, unfolded the blanket, sprayed it on the ground, and looked at where the children were. My seven children stood on the shore of the lake without going inside and looked around enjoying the view. I could see that their eyes were focused on the sparkling lake, and I knew they wanted to enter it.

- Come here. - I shouted, and this time they listened to me.

Morgan was already sitting with Charlie and Elijah on his lap, tickling them to make them laugh.

- How much time will we spend here? - Jacob asked.

- We will have camping here and I think we can spend the night here. - I explained.

- I like it. We can see the stars more brightly. - Hannah said with excitement and I nodded at her causing her to smile more.

- Am I the only one who wants marshmallows? - Jason laughed patting his stomach as if he was hungry.

- Yes, we can have. I think your mom packed it somewhere. - Morgan answered.

- What about our favourite toys and blankets with which we sleep? - Gabriel asked confused.

- We took them. I planned this to happen and prepared everything while all of you played in the garden with Bella. - I answered.

- I love my family. - Dylan grinned making his whole family without Charlie and Elijah laugh.

They were distracted with Morgan's watch, bracelet and rings and played with them. While all this, Bella was walking around sniffing and from time to time was looking at us. I could see that she liked it here too.

After we had a snack, I helped my kids dress in their swimsuits. I was sitting in the shallows, and between my legs, Charlie and Elijah were having fun in the water. Emma and Emily were sitting next to me, playing with some rubber toys. The lake was deep, so I wasn't sure Dylan should go inside. He still couldn't swim, but he didn't want to be separated from his brothers and sister. That's why he was in the hands of Morgan, who was with Jacob, Jason, Hannah and Gabriel, who were swimming calmly around their father.

Water was reaching Morgan's waist and even if I was scared that the kids can drown, I was sure that this wouldn't happen. They could swim and they were with their father and siblings.

I moved my glance from my husband and my older kids to my babies. I saw that they were yawning, and I yelled:

- Morgan, I am going to take Charlie and Elijah to the tent.

Morgan nodded saying something to Jacob, Jason, Hannah, and Gabriel who started swimming towards me. Morgan came too and sat next to Emma and Emily putting Dylan next to them. I stood up, took my babies and walked into the tent. I change them into comfortable clothes and soon they were sleeping peacefully wrap in their favourite blankets. Making sure everything was fine with them, I stood up to go to the others, but I saw that they were already coming. Morgan and I change all the children into other clothes, and they started playing with water pistols, filling water from the lake, being careful. Morgan and I were sitting in front of the tent and watched Team Trouble, who were like angels for a long time, playing. Our dog Bella was lying down next to us sleeping because of all the running around.

- That is the best birthday gift you can give me. – Morgan said and glanced at him as our eyes met – I love you so much.

- I love you too. – I said snuggling myself in him – I don't want the moment to stop.

I felt Morgan kissing my temple and that cause a smile to appear on my face. I enjoyed these small moments like that, but I knew that someone would destroy this happiness sooner or later.

Two hours passed and after a tiring run around shooting with water pistols, we all finally sat down to lunch. The moment we were ready, Jacob, Jason, Hannah, Gabriel, Dylan, Emma, and Emily entered the tent and fall asleep wrapped in blankets hugging their favourite stuffed animal toys. Charlie and Elijah were awake, and I was playing with them. Morgan didn't miss recording me, but he also recorded the family games we have after everyone was awake.

The sunset in the sky and the stars illuminated the lake and the surrounding area. The lake cut the stars incredibly well and one could say that there is a second sky.

Jacob, Jason, Hannah, Gabriel, Dylan, Emma, and Emily were looking at the stars and tried to find constellations according to a book Morgan gave them. They were working as a team, and I could see that they marked every constellation they had discovered.

I was preparing and rearranging the fallen logs I found. They were two large pillars of fallen wood but cleared of loggers and the bottoms of normal trunks that were coloured depicting chairs. Next to me on one blanket Charlie and Elijah played with their toys and were making cute baby noises. Morgan appeared the moment I arrange everything, and he knelt to set the fire. Seeing this our kids run to see and a few minutes later all of us were sitting on the logs eating marshmallows.

Suddenly I heard a strange noise and looked in the direction from which was coming. I saw Morgan stand up and took off his gun from his pants holding it behind his back.

- In the tent. Now. - I yelled.

Jacob, Jason, Hannah, Gabriel, Dylan, Emma, and Emily immediately knew something was wrong and ran into the ten taking Charlie and Elijah with them.

Before I can react, Morgan grabbed my hand, pulled me behind him and shot at the two masked men that appeared. They were part of a gang in which Peter and Lana took part. Two more men appeared and Morgan started fighting with them in hand-to-hand combat. I looked for my gun, but I had put it in my jacket which was in the tent.

- Don't think of it. - I heard Lana say and I turned to see that she had pointed a gun at me - Move and I will shoot.

I raised my arms in surrender and glanced at Morgan who had stopped fighting because Lana was pointing a gun at me. I begged him to continue to fight but he didn't want to let me die. One of the men hit him and he fell on his knees holding for the back of his head. He was dizzy and I certainly knew that we were screwed.

- Tell your kids to get out of the tent and follow you. - Lana growled and pointed the gun at Morgan - Or I shoot him.

- Kids, come. - I yelled and my children exited.

Jacob and Jason were holding the scared Charlie and Elijah while Hannah and Gabriel were trying to hide behind them the curious Dylan, Emma, and Emily.

- Follow me and don't do anything stupid. - I said to them and smiled reassuringly - Trust me on this. Okay.

They all nodded, and the man took Morgan who was still dizzy to one bus. She was looking at me all the time and I couldn't get my gun. I entered inside the trunk where Morgan has put it, but he lay down as he was barely conscious.

I sat next to him putting his head in my lap. I stroked his hair smiling at him and I glanced at his head. He had a small cut on the back of his head, but I think he will be okay. My kids sat near me scared but didn't say a thing. They just waited for my command and be good like I told them.

We arrived at their headquarters, I guess and from now on my happy moments ended.

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