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We were around Roland's headquarters waiting for the most appropriate moment. I was hiding behind a bush looking at the building when Tristan came to me, kneeling too. I felt his gaze on me and with my preferential vision I saw that he was biting his lips.

- What's wrong? - I sighed, looking at him.

- Are you sure you can fight? - he asked me.

- Tell Morgan I can handle it. - I rolled my eyes knowing that my husband had sent him.

- He didn't send me. - Tristan laughed lightly and became serious - Actually, I decided to check on you myself.

- Why? - I asked as that took me off guard.

- Because I care. - Tristan replied and sighed - I know we didn't start very well, but after you gave me a second chance, I started to like you.

- I'll be careful, I promise. - I promised him.

Tristan smiled and stood up. I turned to see one of the spies squatting like me behind a bush and watching. Others hid behind trees or rocks. Morgan was next to a tree. He smiled, and I did the same before looking at the building again.


Morgan turned his attention to Tristan, who had now arrived next to him.

- What did she say? - he asked.

- That she'll be careful, and I'll tell you she'll make it. - Tristan replied, and thought, stroking his chin - You know you are the one I am more worried about.

- What else did Elena tell you? - Morgan laughed.

- She didn't tell me anything, but I got to know you over time. - Tristan replied - You're not planning on running after Roland alone, are you?

Morgan didn't answer the question deciding to focus on something else, but Tristan nodded, understanding everything. He followed the direction he was looking at and smiled, realizing it was Elena.

- I will come with you and fight Roland together. - Tristan replied, looking back at Morgan.

- I agree, but I will kill him. - Morgan said.

- Are you sure you want to kill your nephew? - Tristan asked.

Morgan sighed, but at that moment Elena approached.


I heard Tristan's question but decided not to interfere. I walked over to Morgan, wrapping my arms around his shoulders, and he sighed:

- I will have to. Would you disappear now?

- Just don't have sex in the middle of the woods. - Tristan laughed and disappeared before Morgan or I could say anything.

Morgan groaned rubbing his temple while I burst into laughter. He glanced at me smiling at me. I mimicked the smile and pecked his lip slightly.

- Promise me you won't die before killing Roland. – I begged him.

A bad feeling was creeping inside me, and I couldn't get rid of it. Something was about to happen, but I didn't know what.

- Of course. – Morgan smiled and kissed me, wrapping his arms around my waist – Sealed with a kiss.

- You can't break it now. – I teased him.

- I wasn't planning on leaving you and the kids. – he said and rubbed my belly – Hey, Number Ten. You will be an amazing warrior and strong as your mother. Hold on, little one.

I chuckled slightly and put my head on his shoulder enjoying the moment. Morgan's head leaned on mine and we stayed like that for a few seconds before Simon and Lucas rushed to us.

- I think the moment came. – Simon said, smirking.

- Tell the others to prepare themselves. – Morgan ordered stepping back from me.

- Okay, Wolf. – Lucas chuckled and followed his instruction.

My husband turned his attention to me and made sure that I am protected enough so I can't get hurt or lose our baby. We rushed into the building divided into two teams. Morgan and I were leading the first team and entered through the main entrance while Tristan was with the second team and went to the back.

Everything went according to plan. The followers were surprised to see us, and we were able to take them down. Morgan rushed somewhere, seeing someone, and I ran after him. We stopped in front of Roland who had his back turned to us.

We were in a small and empty room which resembled a prison. There were chains on the wall.

Roland turned to us holding his hand like her surrender, but there was a huge devilish smirk on his face. Morgan and I pointed our guns towards him ready to shoot him.

- Give up, Roland. – Morgan growled slightly – If you don't do what we said, we will shoot you.

- Oh, yeah. But I think that applies to you too. - Roland grinned.

I heard a door close behind me and turned to see Lana. She locked the door and put the key in her pocket. Her eyes were completely emotionless, and her pupils dilated slightly. She smiled slyly at me, holding her hand on the hilt of her knife.

Together, trying to surprise us, Roland and Lana attacked, separating us from each other.

Lana hit me on the ground and swung her knife, trying to hurt me. I blocked her attack with my pistol and tried to shoot her. However, she grabbed my hand at the last moment and the bullet hit the ceiling. I tried again, but she twisted my arm and took the gun from me. She tossed it aside and swung her knife again. I stopped her attack once more and pushed her aside. I pulled out my knife and examined her carefully for weak spots. Lana ran to me, brandishing the knife near me. She managed to cut my cheek, but I stopped her before she could repeat her trick on my stomach.

We both swung, blocked, and scratched each other, neither of us being able to dominate the other. Our forces were the same.

I managed to knock the knife out of her hand, but she got even more nervous. She screamed in rage and ran to me. She knocked me to the ground and started hitting me. Unfortunately, I dropped the knife when I hit the ground. I protected my face with my hands and looked at Morgan for a second.

At that moment, Morgan and Roland were rolling on the ground, trying to dominate each other. Roland finally stood over Morgan and punched him in the jaw. However, my husband had not given up. He wrapped his legs around his neck and hit him on the ground, pressing him.

I looked at Lana and did the same. I pressed her to the ground and started hitting her. She grabbed my left arm and twisted it. I heard a slight crack in my wrist and groaned in pain. The woman below me used this moment and managed to push me out of her. She grabbed my wrist, and I tried to hit her, but she stopped my attack. The wall hit me and I heard a click. I turned to see that she had locked my wounded wrist with part of the chain. I tried to kick her away from me, but she pressed me against the wall, using her whole body. She managed to lock my other wrist.

The moment I was tied up, she ran to Morgan and Roland. Together, they managed to knock him to the ground and lock him on the wall as well, near me. However, we could not untie each other due to the distance between us.

- I caught you after all. - Roland laughed.

- This is not the end, Roland. - Morgan shouted, trying to get out of the chains.

- I think so. - Roland spoke and looked at Lana - Take the knives.

She obeyed his commandunconditionally, but the moment she handed him the knives, I noticed that herpupils were returning to normal.

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