Starting The Day (Gruniper/Headcanon)

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Ever since Juniper started dating Grover, she would go more into humanoid form rather than staying within her tree like she usually would. Grover was getting less busy (things were going pretty well with the "Protect the earth! Help create more nature reserves! Recycle the tin cans or if you want, donate them to people who might need it like me!" thing ) and was mostly in Camp Half-Blood. Now these two would often spend their mornings together collecting strawberries or chatting under Juniper's tree in the woods or something. Laughing, having fun, being with each other. It was sweet to watch them; happy, in their comfort zone and literally, in their own element. The perfect couple, one you just can't pry your eyes away from because you knew they were just made for each other.


Voilà! My first Gruniper headcanon! What did you think?

Now I know these author's notes can be really boring, so I did something.

I just published an author's notes book meant for this book and the other, meaning this will probably be the last author's note in this book.

Visit my profile and please find that book because I might be stating more important things there. Once you find it, add it to your library or reading list. It's associated very similarly with this one, so consider it as a mini-book for this book.

Have a nice day everyone!

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