Percabeth Special (Valentine's Day One-Shot)

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Annabeth skipped around happily in camp. The campers gave her weird looks, as it wasn't normal for Annabeth to be this... bouncy. As she passed by them, she complimented the things they were doing.

"Nice shooting, Will!"

"Oh Miranda those are just some lovely flowers!"

"Is it just me or did you sharpen your spear, Clarrise? Wonderful!"

She went to the beach, where she was sure to find the one she was looking for. "Percy!" she called out.

Sure enough, Percy rose out from the sea, completely dry. There was something different about him though. His clothes looked viciously torn. Around his eyes were black ringlets. Though he looked like he had been in an everlasting battle with a monster, he still smiled.

"Hey Annie." he said tiredly, but he failed. Annabeth could sense excitement in his voice. Something told Annabeth she was going to have an eventful morning.

"So," Annabeth said, making circles in the sand with the tips of her toes. "What are you planning to do today?"

Percy shrugged. "Nothing much. Planning to stay at Dad's palace for some time. You?"

Annabeth bit her lip. "Nothing." Annabeth managed to get out. "Hey why don't we hang out sometime today?"

Percy frowned. "Can't really. I have some things to settle underwater." Annabeth gave sour look. "Do you know what today is?" Annabeth said, sounding upset.

"No. Is it supposed to be special?" He must've seen her face because then he gently caressed her cheek. "Hey whatever day it is today, I promise we'll get together later ok? I need to go back now. Love you." He kissed her forehead quickly and jumped back in the water.

"You sure do." Annabeth said under her breath, her eyes never leaving the water. Surely he didn't forget, right?

That whole day the bouncy Annabeth turned into grouchy Annabeth. She would shoot daggers at anyone who stared at her for more than 5 seconds. Even when her closest female sibling Melanie said hi to her, she screamed "Get away! Don't bother me." She even tried Iris Messaging him but the closest thing she ever saw was something like a forge, a giant humanoid and a shorter boy with black hair. Each time she tried, maybe thrice, it worked but the connection was cut off immediately.

Other times, she couldn't get to him at all. She became more frustrated. She had already spent maybe 15 drachmas already. Everybody could tell that she wasn't in the mood to talk. Some even suspected she got into a huge fight with Percy. Others thought she was thinking of a problem. Whatever it was, they steered clear from her path.

That night she lost hope. It was already past 9 and he still didn't show up. She got up from the rock she was sitting on and wearily trudged back to the cabin area. She felt like crying. She was almost off beach grounds when she heard water splashing.

"Leaving so soon?"

Without even thinking, Annabeth ran towards the voice, only stopping right in front of him.

"Percy." she said stiffly. Percy looked much better than before. He was wearing a fresh camp t-shirt and jeans that were all in one piece. It was hard to tell, but Annabeth noticed something bulking at the left pocket of his jeans. "Hey. Sorry I was late. A bit of complications under the sea."

"It's ok." She shifted herself further from him until there was about 10 feet away from him.

"Hey," Percy said, "what's wrong?"

And that was when she lost it. "How could you? If you loved me, you wouldn't forget." She ran away, not even knowing where she was headed. Percy kept on calling her, but she ignored him. As she ran, she stepped on something. A box, very tiny, but easily noticable. On it was written 'Annabeth'. She carefully picked it up and opened it. Inside, the most beautiful thing was placed. A crystal heart, quite big. It was as big as her palm. It was hard to see at night but engraved on it was 'P+A'. Under it, in smaller prints were etched. 'Together, Forever & Always'.

Annabeth almost fell to her knees when a pair of arms caught her. "I would never forget. Never. Happy Valentine's Day." Annabeth faced the person and started crying even harder. His black hair seemed to be glowing under the moonlight. "I thought you forgot." she said between sobs.

Percy smiled. "Wise Girl, I know better than to leave my girlfriend with nothing on Valentine's Day. I love you, and I always will."

'But why wait so long to give it to me?" Annabeth questioned.

"Try and open it up. The stone."

Annabeth pried the heart open from the sides with her fingernails. Inside was water. Annabeth was puzzled. "Wha-"

"Shh," Percy silenced her. "Just look."

Annabeth stared into the heart. The water shimmered and suddenly she and Percy were in it. All the times they had been together, one by one. Some were even videos. The salty but calmimg aroma of the sea rose up to her nose. Everything about it felt like Percy. She looked at Percy and hugged him. Her tears were wetting his shirt but he didn't seem to mind.

Percy hugged her back. "So that we'll always be together. Even when we're apart. Because we are never getting seperated-"

"-never again." Annabeth finished. She thought that this day was going to be worse than all the ones she had in her whole life but it turned out to be best. Because as long as he was with her, nothing could ever bring her down.

"I love you." she whispered.

Percy stroked her hair. "To me, saying 'I love you' back isn't enough. You mean the world to me. And I want you to know that. Remember, forever and always."


So guys now that I've finished all my Valentine's Day chapters, random headcanons and one-shots will be coming back as usual. Sorry it took so long to get them done, I've just been so busy these days. But yeah, comment and vote and I will see you guys later!! Bye!

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