The Stars Hurt (Headcanon)

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Whenever Thalia looked up at the stars in the the dark night lit up by her Lady's moon, she always felt like something from her life was missing. That one person that used to quarrel with her all the time. A sister. Well, they could have been sisters. Her heart felt like it had been stabbed repeatedly over and over again, the pain multiplying twice each time. The guilt was eating her up. That girl had died to protect her. Tears formed in her eyes as she gazed at the stars. She named constellation after another but she stopped abruptly. Her tiny specks of water became streams of tears down her cheeks. Because she recognized that one so familiarly. It was made right before her supposed to be sixteenth birthday. A huntress running across the sky with a quiver of arrows slung to her back while notching an arrow.

Zoë Nightshade.

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